


Getting rid of sand fleas isn’t really easy. This is because you have to understand their breeding grounds, buy pesticides, seal areas, etc. But don’t worry I’ll make it look easy. In this article, I will show you how to get rid of sand fleas.



Observe and understand them

If you want to get rid of sand fleas, you will first need to find out where they come from and where they usually hide. Most pests like sand fleas usually come from outside in bushes and gardens but they make their way inside when one of your pets is bitten by one. Once they make their way inside they usually hide in dark areas such as under your carpets and furniture.



Getting rid of sand fleas

While it may not be easy to get rid of sand fleas, it is still not impossible. The reason why it may seem hard to get rid of sand fleas is that you’ll have to do a lot of cleaning to get rid of them. I will know to show you what to do:



Sprinkle salt or baking soda on the carpets

 This might seem weird but salt is a great thing to use when dealing with sand fleas. The reason is that salt will dehydrate and kill them. So sprinkle salt all over your carpets and leave it there for a day.

If you don’t have any salt or you just don’t want to use it all over your carpets, then you can just use baking soda instead. Just sprinkle the baking soda all over the carpets and leave it for 1 day. This will not only kill the sand fleas but will also clean and deodorize your carpets as well.



Wash all your clothes and linen

 Wash all your used clothes and disinfect all linen covers. When disinfecting linens you have to soak them first. The best way to soak your white linens is to fill your tub (make sure it is clean) with warm water and add 2-3 cups of bleach in it, you can use vinegar instead of bleach but never mix them together;  detergent and 2 cups of fabric softener. Let them soak for 1-2 hours then place them in the washer.



Vacuum the floor

 After you sprinkled the salt or baking powder all over the carpets make sure to vacuum them. When vacuuming makes sure you get in the crevices and cracks as well. If you find any larvae make sure to get rid of them so that more sand fleas won’t attack again. Make sure to vacuum the floors properly because if you don’t, ants may become your next issue.

Here are some vacuuming hacks if you are interested.



Seal cracks and crevices

 Most times cracks and crevices are usually in walls, cabinets, etc. Doing this will make sure that the sand fleas won’t have any potential breeding grounds in your house.



Check and treat pets

Make sure to check your pets for any sand fleas. It doesn’t make sense if you went through all the previous steps just for your pets to bring back the sand fleas inside your home.

When inspecting your pets especially dogs, you have to look through their hair. Sometimes the sand fleas will be on their ears. If you see any make sure to pick them off and get rid of them (place them in a plastic bag and throw them in the trash). You can also wash your dogs with anti-flea dog shampoos. But before you do any of that it’s best to contact a vet or do more research on what you can use on your dogs.



Steam cleaning

 This is more of an optional additional step. If there are a ton of sand fleas in your home and you tried every method I listed above then it might be time to steam clean your entire house. High temperatures will kill the sand fleas and destroy their breeding grounds. The reason why this method is optional is that a steam cleaner is usually pricey.



Spray your home with pesticide 

When spraying your home with pesticides you have to make sure you are wearing a face mask. It is also best to spray the breeding grounds of the sand fleas. If you cant find the breeding grounds then you can either look for them or spray everywhere in your house with the pesticide. If you chose the latter then it’s best to open up every window and some of the doors so that the pesticide can go smell and fumes can go away.



Sprinkle boric acid in your garage

 If your garage has sand fleas inside of it, then it’s best to sprinkle some boric acid on the garage floor. This will kill the sand fleas.



How to prevent sand fleas from entering your home


Inspect shoes

 Most times it’s usual pets especially dogs that bring in fleas inside your home but sometimes it can be us as well. If you walk in grass or other areas where fleas usually are they will sometimes latch on to your shoes. So if you live in an area where there is a lot of grass and bushes then it’s best to inspect your shoes after wearing them.

In this article, I will show you how to get rid of the mothball smell from inside your house with some simple yet effective methods.



What are mothballs?

Mothballs are small balls that are usually stored with clothing. They usually repel insects.


How to get rid of mothball smell

There are a lot more things that smell way worse than mothballs, but that doesn’t mean no one including myself likes it and I heard of people saying that the smell of mothballs makes their nose burn. So while it may not be the most disgusting smell, I will show you a couple of ways how to remove the smell completely from your home.


Removing mothball smell from clothing

While the smell of mothballs might not be the worst it is definitely noticeable especially when it’s on your clothes. No one wants to go out in public smelling like mothballs. So I am going to show you some different ways in which you can remove the mothball smell from your clothing.



This is one of the best and most successful ways you can use to remove the mothball smell from your clothes. All you have to do is to get a large bucket of water and add 3 cups of vinegar into it. THen place the affected clothes into the water and let them soak for 1-2 hours. After letting them soak take them out place them into the washing machine and add 2 cups of vinegar into it. Then wash them. After the first cycle wash them again and rinse them. After doing this the mothball smell will no longer be inside the garments.



A lot of people don’t like to use bleach because it is very harsh and it can irritate not only your skin but also your eyes and nose as well. But don’t worry because I am going to show you the right way to remove the mothball smell from your clothing with bleach.

When using bleach or other products that contain bleach be sure to wear a facemask and gloves. Also, remember to only use bleach on white clothing.

 The first thing you should do is to get a bucket of water add 1 cup of bleach into it and place the garments inside of it. Let the clothes soak for 30 minutes to an hour. After that, you should take them out and rinse them.

You can also wash them in the washing machine instead. Just place them into the washer and add bleach into it. Then set the clothes to wash on a regular run cycle. After that just place them into the dryer and you’ll realize that the mothball scent is no longer on the clothes.

Even though bleach may be too harsh, it is still one of the best products to use when cleaning a lot of things.


Wash it with detergent

 For this, you can either do the soaking method or the washing method. For the washing method, all you have to do is place the clothes inside the washer and add a little of your favorite and best smelling detergent into it as well. Then wash the clothes. After washing them if you still smell the mothball scent on the clothes then you may have to do it again.

For the next method, you have to place all the garments that smell like mothballs into a large bucket filled with water. Then add the detergent into it and mix the water around so that it can become soapy. After that place the clothes inside the bucket and let them soak for an hour. THen place them in the washer to rinse them (only rinse).

Doing this will definitely get rid of the mothball smell from your garments.


Rinse them

This is a really simple method because all you have to do is place the garments inside the washer and rinse them (don’t wash, just rinse). Doing this one time may not get rid of the mothball smell so you probably have to repeat the step again until the clothes aren’t smelling like mothballs.


Soak them

 This is another simple yet effective method. I know that I told you different ways you can soak your clothes to remove the bad smell that they had. But this method is similar yet different. For this method you need to fill a large bucket with warm water, then add 2 cups of vinegar,1/2 cup of dish soap, detergent, and fabric softener into it, then mix everything together into the water so that it can become soapy. After doing that you should place the clothes inside of the water and allow them to soak for 3 hours. If they are all white then allow them to soak up to 5 hours. After letting them soak place them into the washer and set it to rinse. After rinsing them place them into the dryer and allow them to dry.


Doing this will not only get rid of the mothball smell from your clothes but it will make their way cleaner as well.


Fabric softener

 For this method, all you have to do is place the clothes into the washer and add a lot of fabric softener onto them. Then wash and dry them.



Removing  mothball smell from rooms and closets

If your whole room and closet have a mothball smell then maybe it’s time to fix that. The scent of mothballs isn’t a good thing to have in your closet and especially in your room because for some people the smell can be way too strong. But don’t worry I will show you how to get rid of the mothball smell from both your closet and room.


Remove any clothing that smells like mothballs

 Let’s say you found and removed the mothballs from both your closet and bedroom but for some reason, you still smell the scent in them. Now you might think that you need to wait a couple of days so that the smell can be completely gone but even after 2-3 days you still smell the mothballs. Well, this may be because your clothes might have absorbed the smell, especially the ones in your drawers. This shouldn’t be a big issue especially if you follow one of the methods I used earlier in this article. A quick way to remove the mothball scent out of clothing is to soak it with your favorite detergent. If that doesn’t work then you can use any other method I mentioned previously.



 Use vinegar

 Vinegar is not only great for cooking but it is also good for cleaning as well. Vinegar can be used to clean, remove stains, disinfect and deodorize things. Now for getting rid of the mothball smell I am mostly going to rely on the deodorizing use of vinegar. There are actually two different ways you can use vinegar to get rid of the mothball smell from your room or closet.

The first method is to get 2 bowls to fill them up (not all the way up) and place them in different parts of the closet or bedroom. Make sure to place them where the smell is really strong. After placing them in their spots, wait for a day or 2 to pass (without moving them) and the smell will be gone.


The other method you can use is to wipe down the areas in your room with vinegar. For this, you’ll need a soft damp cleaning cloth and dip it in a bowl of vinegar. Before you wipe make sure to squeeze or wring out the excess vinegar from the cloth. Then wipe down the surfaces in your closet and in your bedroom. The places your should wipe down are the areas where the mothball was and other surfaces such as the top of any table.



Activated charcoal

 This might seem a bit weird but activated charcoal works almost the same way as vinegar when it comes on to removing bad odors. To use activated charcoal to remove the smell of mothballs you need to pour a lot of it into multiple bowls and place them all over your room and closet. Let the bowls of charcoal sit in your room for a couple of days up to a week. This should definitely get rid of the smell out of your room and closet.



Ground coffee

 If you don’t have activated charcoal then you can use ground coffee instead. Just fill 2 bowls halfway up with ground coffee and place them in your room and closet. After a couple of days, the smell should be gone.



Baking soda

 If you don’t have ground coffee or activated charcoal then you can use baking soda. Baking soda is very good at cleaning areas but did you know that it can be used to get rid of bad odors as well?. These bad odors include a lot of things and mothballs are one of them. To get rid of the smell of mothballs using baking soda, you need 2 bowls filled with baking soda. Then place them in your closet and room. You can also add vinegar to the baking soda and create a mixture. This mixture will get rid of the bad odor in your room and closet.



Air freshener

 This last method is probably the simplest one. All you have to do is find and remove the mothballs from your room and closet, then spray everywhere with the air freshener. You can even use automatic air fresheners as well.



Removing mothball smell from furniture

The smell of mothball usually lasts longer in furniture, especially ones that are made of fabric. Here are some ways to get rid of the mothball smell from your furniture.



Use vinegar and water

 When you mix vinegar and water together this will create one of the best all-purpose cleaners. This mixture can clean almost any surface, get rid of any stain, and deodorize any area.

To get rid of the mothball smell from wood furniture all you have to do is spray it and use a clean cloth to wipe down the furniture. After doing this the smell should be gone.

For fabric furniture such as sofas, chairs, etc, you should spray the mixture all over them and let them air dry. You can also use a mini vacuum cleaner to help absorb the smell out of the furniture.



Baking soda

 This method works best for fabric-covered furniture. All you have to do is sprinkle the baking soda all over the furniture and let it sit there overnight. The baking soda will definitely get rid of the mothball smell. After that just vacuum the baking soda residue.



Murphy’s oil soap

 Murphy’s oil soap is really good at cleaning and polishing wooden surfaces so it’s most likely going to help remove the mothball smell from your wooden furniture. All you have to do is spray the murphy’s oil soap onto the furniture and use a clean microfiber cloth to clean it. Make sure that you wipe everywhere on the wooden furniture. After wiping it not only will the mothball smell will be gone from the furniture but it will also look very clean and polished as well.


If you are interested in more ways you can use murphy’s oil soap then you should click here.


Fabric softener spray

fabric softeners are great at removing odors from things because it smells really good. I am going to show you how you can use fabric softener to get rid of the mothballs smell from your fabric furniture.


The first thing you need to do is to get a spray bottle and add 1-2 cups of fabric softener and equal parts water into it ( or more). The reason why it’s best to add water is that the fabric softener liquid will probably stain the fabric if you use it too much. Spray all over the furniture with the fabric softener spray. Make sure not to spray too much, because doing that will make the furniture damp. After that let the furniture dry by air drying it or warping a thick large towel over it and using an iron to heat dry it.




 Disinfectant is great at cleaning while also making the area that is being cleaned smell great. One of the best disinfectants to use clean is Fabuloso or Lysol disinfectant sprays. Both of these products are really good at cleaning things.


To get rid of the mothball odor from your wood furniture with disinfectant, just spray it with the Lysol spray or wipe it down with the fabuloso.  This will make your furniture smell great again.


If you want to deodorize your fabric furniture then it’s best to only use the Lysol disinfectant spray. All you have to do is spray the furniture (don’t spray too much), and the odor will be gone in no time.



Removing mothball smell from clothing drawers

There are a few things to follow if you want to get rid of the mothball smell out of your clothing drawers. The first thing you need to do is to remove the mothballs from the drawers. I know it might seem weird to have mothballs inside of clothing drawers but I know a few people who used to do this. So just locate and get rid of them. The next thing you should do is remove the clothes from the drawers and spray the inside with an air freshener. After spraying takes out the drawers or opens them for 2-3 hours so that the mothball and air freshener scent can go away.


I hope these methods were useful to you.


Alternatives for mothballs

While mothballs are great for keeping insects away from your clothes, they come with a couple of issues. First of all, they have a very strong odor, which for some people can cause dizziness and nausea and they also make your clothes smell bad.


But did you know that there is a different alternative for mothballs? These alternatives are essential oils. If you are planning to use any essential oil as a mothball alternative, then it’s best to use lavender, clover, and mint. All you have to do is place a drop of any of the essential oil that I’ve mentioned in your drawers and closet areas. One of the best things about using essential oils is that you won’t have to worry about the scent since most of them usually have a great aroma.


When dealing with fish whether its fish related products such as fish oil or maybe cutting or cooking actually fish, it can leave behind an unpleasant odor, especially on your hands. No one wants their hands to smell fishy. So I came up with some ways how to get fish smell off hands. A quick tip to getting the fish smell off your hands is to use vinegar, lemons, or hand soap to wash your hands. I will give you a deeper explanation of how to use these products and also show you some additional methods you can use.


How to get the fish smell off hands

Want to get rid of the fishy odor on your hands, don’t worry below I will show you 9 effective methods on how to do so.



1. Baking soda and vinegar paste

baking soda and vinegar mixed togetherBaking soda and vinegar are two of the best products for cleaning, but they can also be used to get rid of bad odors as well.
To get rid of the fishy smell on your hands with baking soda and vinegar, the first thing you need to do is to get a dish and pour baking soda into it, then pour a small amount of vinegar into it as well(make sure that the vinegar is way less than the baking soda). Mix around the baking soda and vinegar until a paste-like substance is formed. Now rub the paste all over your hands. Make sure to scrub in between your fingers and the back of your hands. Then let the paste sit for 2 minutes.

Now rinse your hands under cold running water. This will remove any baking soda residue and it will also get rid of the fish smell.

If your hand feel sticky after doing this, just wash them with hand soap.



2. Rinse hands with Lemon juice

Lemon juice is great for neutralizing bad odors such as fish because of the citric acid in it. Lemons can also be used to clean as well. There are two ways you can use lemon juice to get the fish smell off your hands.

The first method is to buy lemon juice (the ones that aren’t for drinking) or squeeze fresh lemons into a small dish. Scrub your hands with the lemon juice. Rub the lemon juice all over the places where the fish touched. After that you need to wash your hands with soap and water, then rinse them under running water.

Now for the second method, all you have to do is cut a lemon in half and rub them all over your hands for 3-5 minutes. After rubbing them all over your hands, you should wait another 2 minutes before rinsing the lemon juice off your hands. After 2 minutes rinse your hands under running water.



3. Rub hands against stainless steel

rubbing hands on silver steelThis may seem a bit weird at first but it is very effective. Stainless steel can absorb any fishy smell/including the one that is on your hands. Start by rinsing off your hands under running water, to get rid of all the solid fish pieces that might have been on your hands. Then rub your hands all over the faucet for one minute. After that wash your hands with hand soap and then rinse them off.

After your hands are clean you should know to wipe down your faucet with disinfectant to get rid of the fish smell.



4. use Toothpaste

This is another weird but surprisingly effective method. You might think that toothpaste is only used for cleaning teeth but it can be used to do a lot more things around your home (mostly cleaning related). In this case it can be used to get fish smell off your hands. You might be wondering how can toothpaste be used for neutralizing fish smell. Well this is because toothpaste is designed to neutralize bacteria and germs out of your mouth, which helps to prevent bad breath. So if you think about it, you can also use it on your hands to get rid of any bad odor.

Before you use the toothpaste on your hands you need to rinse them first,. The reason why you want to rinse them is to make the toothpaste spread better on your skin. Now squeeze a dab of toothpaste onto your hands and rub ir around. Keep rubbing the toothpaste all over your hands for around 1-2 minutes. Then rinse the toothpaste off with warm water. By doing this your hands will no longer smell like fish.

If you are interested in more amazing ways you can use toothpaste then click here.



5. Wash hands with vinegar

Vinegar is great for cleaning and also neutralizing bad odors. If you want to get the fish smell off your hands with vinegar all you have to do is pour it all over your hands. Then rub your hands together. While rubbing, make sure to get in between your fingers and the back of your hands.

After doing that it is now time to wash and rinse your hands.



6. Use regular hand soap

using hand soap to wash handUsing regular hand soap will also get rid of the fish smell off your hands but washing your hands regularly with hand soap won’t work. What you need to do is to rinse your hands under running water then squeeze a few drops of hand soap onto them. Then rub the hand soap all over your hands. After doing that let the soap sit on your hands for 2-5 minutes then rinse them off with warm water.

Using this method will make your hands smell way better than before.



7. Wash hands with dish soap

using dish soap to wash handDish soap is very good at cleaning and degreasing things. Not only that but it is also good at neutralizing bad odors as well. So using dish soap to remove the fishy smell from your hands isn’t a bad idea.

To neutralize bad odors from your hands with dawn dish soap, the first thing you need to do is make sure that your hands are wet, after squeezing a dab of the best smelling dish soap you have on your hands rub it all over them. Make sure to rub everywhere on your hands such as in between your fingers and the back of your hands. Keep rubbing them for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse your hands off with water.

If your hands still smell bad, then repeat this.



8. Salt

For this method to work, you need to get a dish and add some salt to it. Then rinse your hands under warm water. After rinsing your hands, rub some hand soap all over them. Now use the salt that was in the dish and rub it all over your hands for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, rinse your hands under warm water.



9. Baby wipes

Baby wipes can be used to mask the fish smell which is a good thing but it won’t completely get rid of it. To get rid of the fish smell using baby wipes you first need to wash your hands with regular hand soap. Then use a baby wipe to clean your hands then rinse them. Doing this will neutralize the fish odor that was on your hands.



10. Ketchup

One hidden trick about ketchup is that it is good for neutralizing very bad odors. You probably heard that if you get sprayed by a skunk, you need to rub ketchup or tomato paste all over the area where you got sprayed. This also works for getting rid of bad fish odors.

If you want to use ketchup to get rid of the fish odor on your hands then you need to squeeze a generous amount on your hands, then rub it in for 4 minutes. After that just wash your hands with soap and water.

If you are interested in other ways to use ketchup then click here.



11. Hand sanitizer

This is the simplest method/option in this article/post. Just rinse your hands then wipe them off. Then add a few drops of hand sanitizer and rub your hands.



How to prevent hands from smelling like fish

The answer to this is quite simple, all you need to do is to wear gloves while handling fish or fish-related products.



Throughout this article/post I showed you how to get the fish smell off hands with some unusual but effective methods. At least one of these methods should work for you. I hope this post was helpful to you.

Getting sand out of anything can be really infuriating because it seems like no matter how much of it you get rid of there’s always more. But don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to get sand out hair, phone, eyes, ears and from your body as well.


How to get sand out of hair

If you want to get sand out of your hair there are a couple of things you’ll need to do. The first thing you need to do is use your hands to shake out as much sand as possible. After doing that, brush your hair for 3 minutes until you get rid of most of the sand that was in it.

The next thing you need to do is to apply a little baby powder on your scalp, to help loosen the sand from your strands. Now brush your hair with the baby powder in it. After that, all you have to do is shampoo your hair and rinse it.

If you still have sand particles in your hair then you probably have to repeat everything again.


Does sand damage hair?

Having sand in your hair won’t damage it, but it makes it look and feel very dried out and dirty.


How to get sand out of a phone

If you get sand in your phone this doesn’t mean you need to get a new one asap. Most people usually get sand stuck in the charging port or any other holes that leads directly into the phone. To get sand out of your phone you need to use a small brush and use the bristles to sweep the sand out. If that doesn’t work you can also use compressed air. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the sand particles that are in the phone.

If those methods didn’t work for you then you may need to bring the phone to a repair shop and they will know what to do.

A good way to prevent sand from getting in your phone is to place it in a Ziploc bag when you are going to the beach. No sand will get into your phone if you do this, not only that but the phone screen can still be used while being in the bag.


How to get sand out of eyes

No one likes to get sand in their eyes because it can cause irritations. I will tell you how to get sand out of your eyes but first I’ll answer a question that a lot of people usually ask.


What happens if you get sand in your eye?

If you get sand in your eyes it can scratch your cornea. This is called cornea abrasion. This won’t cause permanent eye damage and it will usually heal in a couple of days.

But this doesn’t mean that getting sand in your eyes is a good thing as I stated before it can still cause irritations and scratches.

To get sand out of your eyes you need to use an eyecup filled with water and place it directly onto the eyes (one at a time). While the eyecup is over your eyes make sure to use your eyes and look around so that the water can flush out the sand.

If you still have sand stuck in your eyes then you need to visit a doctor.


How to get rid of sand on your body

To get rid of sand on your body you need to rinse off your body first by taking a shower (don’t use soap). After showering you should rub baby powder all over your body. THen brush the baby powder and sand off your body. Baby powder makes it easier to get rid of the sand.


How to get sand out of ears

If you have sand in your ears don’t use a q tip. Using a q tip will send the sand particles deeper into your ear which may cause an ear infection. To get sand out of your ears you need to tilt your head to the side and shake it while pulling your ear up and back. Doing this will help get the sand out of your ear.

If you feel any pain in your ears then you need to go to the doctor.


This article Instructed you on how to get sand out of hair, phone, eyes, ears, and from your body. I hope you found this helpful.

fiberglass can be really painful if you manage to get it on your skin. So the best way to prevent it from getting on your skin is to wear gear or thick clothing that covers every part of your body. But if you already have fiberglass in your clothes and can’t get it out, don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to get fiberglass out of your clothes.


What is fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a reinforced plastic material composed of a woven fabric that is embedded with glass fibers, which are randomly laid across each other and held together with an adhesive. Fiberglass and resin are combined to form a strong and durable composite.


Fiberglass on clothes

Whenever you work around fiberglass products you risk getting fiberglass on your clothes. fiberglass usually have a pink, yellow or white look, but they are very tiny so finding them is very difficult.

When fiberglass gets onto your clothes they usually poke into your skin; which can make your skin very itchy for a couple of hours or maybe even days.


Safety tips you should know when working with fiberglass

When working with fiberglass always make sure you wear loose clothes that cover your whole body. Always wear a mask, goggles, and gloves as well. Wearing these will protect your skin and eyes from irritation.


How to remove fiberglass out of clothes

After you are finished working around fiberglass, you should remove the clothes that you were working in; in an area where the fiberglass splinters/particles won’t on other fabrics.

Now I will show you some steps you should take when removing fiberglass from clothes.


  1. Use a soft brush to brush the fiberglass particles out of the clothes
  2. Fill a large bucket or your bathtub with warm water and add 2-3 cups of vinegar in it as well.
  3. Now soak the garments in the water and vinegar.
  4. Wear latex gloves and rub the garments while they are soaking to loosen the fiberglass pieces.
  5. After getting rid of all the fiberglass pieces, drain the water that was in the tub or the bucket.

This is one of the best ways to get fiberglass out of your clothes. Now I will show you to remove fiberglass from your clothes using a washing machine.


How to get fiberglass out of your clothes using a washing Clothes being put in the washing machinemachine

If you want to remove fiberglass from your clothes using a washing machine, you need to follow these steps carefully.

  1. Put all the affected garments inside the washing machine
  2. Double wash the garments to get rid of the fiberglass shards that was on them
  3. Place the clothes in the dryer.
  4. After that just wash your hands.

I will now answer some commonly asked questions about fiberglass.


Related questions


Does vinegar dissolve fiberglass?

The answer to this is yes. Vinegar is a safe and effective way to dissolve fiberglass. All you have to do is pour vinegar on the affected area, then rinse with cold water.


Does fiberglass wash out of clothes?

If you wash a fiberglass-affected garment in the washer it will get rid of the fiberglass particles that were on it. So the answer is yes, fiberglass can wash out of clothes.


What does fiberglass look like on clothes?

Fiberglass is usually pink, light yellow, or white in color.


How to remove fiberglass from bedsheets?

To remove fiberglass from bedsheets, all you have to do is to fill your bathtub with warm water and add 3-4 cups of vinegar to it. Then put on latex gloves and place the bedsheets in the warm water and vinegar. Let them soak for an hour then use your latex gloves to rub the sheets (while they are soaking). The reason why you want to rub the sheets with gloves is that doing this will get rid of the fiberglass particles.

After that drain the water in the bathtub and place the sheets inside the washer. Then after washing them, place them inside the dryer.



Throughout this article, I showed you 2 main ways on how to get fiberglass out of clothes. I also answered some commonly asked questions related to getting rid of fiberglass. I hope you found this article helpful.

If you do a lot of paper works then you’ll know that you have to use highlighters to help memorize important information, but sometimes we accidentally smear ourselves with them. When this happens the color of the highlighter can really mess up the look of whatever you were wearing.

A good way to get highlighter stains out of clothes is to use rubbing alcohol or other ink removers to treat the stain. You can also use put the highlighter-stained clothe into a mixture of salt, water, and baking soda.

In this article, I will show you more ways on how to get highlighter stains out of your clothes.


Can you wash highlighter out of your clothes?

washing the clothes will definitely make the highlighter stain fade, but it won’t get rid of it. It might look less noticeable but if you take a closer look at it you’ll realize that it is still there. It is also not a good idea to put the stained clothes into the dryer as this will make the highlighter stain harder to remove. The best way to remove highlighter stains is to use a stain remover.

Even though most highlighter ink stains will not completely wash out when you wash them regularly; you can still use the methods I’m about to show you.


 how to get highlighter Stains out of clothes

I am now going to show you some incredible methods you can use to get highlighter ink stains out of your clothes.

Before you try any of these methods, you should test them on hidden parts of your clothes or other similar materials to make sure that the product you are using won’t damage the fabric.


1. Vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda are two of the best things to combine when you want to get rid of any stain. One of the main reason for you to use vinegar to get rid of stains is that vinegar is good at dissolving a lot of things that make up stains.

Here are the steps:

  1. Soak the stained area in vinegar.
  2. Mix 4tbsp of baking soda with 2tbsp of vinegar. Doing this will create a paste.
  3. Use a toothbrush, paper towel, or your fingers to rub the paste into the stained area of your clothes.
  4. After doing that just allow your clothing to sit for a couple of hours.
  5. Then put the garment inside the washer and use a stain removing detergent such as oxi clean.
  6. If the garment doesn’t have any highlighter ink on it, then it is ok to put it in the dryer.

While vinegar and baking soda are great for removing tough stains, it is still not a good idea to use the mixture on any type of fabric.


2. Use Hair spray

hair spray being sprayed onto a highlighter stained hoodieYou may think that using a hair spray to get rid of highlighter stain sounds ridiculous, but it does actually work. Even though it wasn’t common a lot of people used to use hairspray to get rid of certain stains. But this only worked because most of the hair spray they used contained alcohol. So if you want to use your hairspray to get the highlighter out of your clothes then read the back of it to see if it contains any alcohol; if it does then that’s a good thing.

I will now show you how to use hair spray to remove highlighter ink from your clothes.

  1. Spray the stained area of the clothes until it feels a bit damp on both sides.
  2. Let the clothes sit for around 10-15 mins.
  3. Now let cold water run through the ink stain until the highlighter ink starts to disappear.


3. Soaking method

The soaking method is pretty simple, all you have to do is soak the highlighter stained clothes in a bucket of soap and water.

I will now go more in-depth with this method

  1. Get a bucket filled with water and add the best wash soap you have(also add a little stain removing detergent as well).
  2. Put the stained clothes in the bucket and let it sit there overnight.
  3. Then use an old toothbrush to gently scrub the highlighter ink until the stain is fading.
  4. After that place the clothes into the washer and then the dryer.


4. Use rubbing alcohol

rubbing alcohol being poured onto a highlighter stain on a hoodieRubbing alcohol is one of the best household products to use to remove stains. It also has better effectiveness if you use one with higher alcohol content.

If you don’t want to expose your skin to rubbing alcohol containing a higher percentage of alcohol, just wear gloves or rinse your hands after using it.

Here are the steps:

  1. just soak a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and use it to gently dab the spot. Be sure to put a piece of paper towel or cloth under the area where the ink stain is before you use alcohol on it.
  2. Do this until the stain is no longer there.
  3. Then place the garment inside the washer and wash it.

Doing this will definitely get the highlighter off your clothes.

If you want some additional rubbing alcohol uses just click here.


5. Use hand sanitizer

If you don’t have any rubbing alcohol, don’t worry because hand sanitizer works well at removing highlighter stains from clothes as well.

Before using rubbing alcohol on any fabric please make sure to read the ingredients on the back of it. The reason why you want to do this is that it may bleach the fabric.

Follow these steps to remove highlighter ink stain:

  1. Squeeze a drop of hand sanitizer onto a piece of paper towel.
  2. Place another piece of paper towel on the other side of the ink.
  3. Then use the paper towel (that has hand sanitizer on it) to blot the ink stain. Don’t rub or scrub!
  4. After that just place the ink-stained area under running water. Eventually, the ink will start to disappear.


6. Use saltwater

Salt can be great for removing ink and grease stains.

  1. Mix 1/2 cup of salt with an equal or less amount of cold water to form a paste.
  2. Apply the paste on the ink-stained spot and let it sit there for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the salt mixture off of the clothes.
  4. Place the clothes into the washer and give it a regular wash.


7. Use an ink remover

Using an ink remover such as Amodex is the most obvious way to remove highlighter ink stains.


  1. Place a paper towel under the highlighter ink so that the rest of your clothes won’t get messy.
  2. Squirt the ink remover onto the ink-stained spot.
  3. Then use a paper towel to rub the ink stain. If the product you purchased requires that you should leave the ink remover on the stain for a while, then do so.
  4. After that just rinse the clothes and allow them to dry.


8. Laundry detergent method

Washing your clothes with laundry detergent won’t get rid of the highlighter ink but directly applying it to the ink may give you some different results.

How to use laundry detergent to get rid of highlighter ink stains:

  1. Apply about 1 tsp worth of laundry detergent onto the stain.
  2. Allow the detergent to sit for 10 minutes.
  3. THen place the garment into the washing machine by itself and give it a regular wash.
  4. If the garment still has ink stains on it then repeat the process again.


9. Use Fresh lemon juice

This may seem weird but lemon juice can be used to remove a lot of stains including highlighter ink. Lemon juice has high levels of acidity that helps to break down all type of stains.

I will now show you how to use lemon juice to get highlighter ink out of your clothes.

  1. Rub a freshly cut lemon all over the stained area or squeeze the lemon juice directly onto the ink spot. Let it sit overnight.
  2. Then add a tablespoon of salt onto the stain.
  3. Then squeeze a freshly cut lemon onto the stain.
  4. Use a toothbrush to scrub the salt and lemon juice into the stain.
  5. Do this until the stain fades away.
  6. Then rinse the salt and lemon juice out of the clothes.


Common questions related to highlighters

I will now answer some commonly asked questions related to highlighter stains.

How to get a highlighter out of carpet?

Get a clean rag and pour a little rubbing alcohol onto it. Then use the rag to blot the highlighter ink out of the carpet. If the cloth is getting dry just gently pour a little more rubbing alcohol onto it and keep blotting.


How to get highlighter off walls?

Get a spray nozzle and attach it to a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Then spray the alcohol onto the spot where the highlighter ink is. Then use a soft clean cloth or a magic eraser sponge to wipe away/absorb the highlighter ink.

You can also use Windex instead of rubbing alcohol.


How to get highlighter out of shoes?

Get a clean rag and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Then use it to blot (do not scrub!) the area until the highlighter ink is gone.

If your shoes are made out of leather you can use a magic eraser sponge instead of a rag.


How to get highlighter ink out of fabric couch?

First, you need to mix any liquid laundry detergent (ones that don’t contain bleach) with water. Then dip a rag into the mixture and use it to rub away the highlighter stain from the couch.



Throughout this article, I showed you how to get a highlighter out of clothes and I also showed you to remove it from other things as well. So you won’t have to worry about messing up your clothes with a highlighter because you can always use the methods I showed you.


I hope you found this article helpful.




No one likes when insects/bugs are in their homes especially if they are centipedes. Centipedes are very creepy and if they crawl on your skin they will puncture it with their tiny legs. So having them near or on your bed can be very unsettling to think about.

Unlike roaches, centipedes don’t carry any bacteria and they usually don’t build nests. This is because centipedes are considered hunters they only hunt other insects. But it is still understandable why most people including myself would want to keep them away especially from our beds.

So that’s why in this article I will show you how to keep centipedes away and out of your bed.


Why are centipedes in your house?

The reason why there might be a few centipedes in your house is maybe that they are trying to find somewhere warm; this mostly happens in the winter. Another reason why there are a lot of centipedes in your house is maybe that there are a lot of other insects/bugs in it.

While they do like warm locations their natural habitats are usually, moist and dark. So it’s best to check any damp and dark areas in your house such as under the sink, anywhere there might be leakage, under the face basin, closets, basements, etc.

Earlier I mentioned that centipedes are hunters and that they eat other insect pests. So the main reason why they might be in your home is that you probably have a lot of bugs roaming around in your house.

Most of these bugs might be hiding inside your bedroom so that’s why the centipedes might be on your bed.


Study their behavior

When trying to get rid of any insect/bug it is always important to know what you’re dealing with. Centipedes are pretty fast so it will take a while until you find them in your bedroom.

There are different types of centipedes and the one that you’ll most likely spot is the House centipede. A house centipede has up to 15 pairs of long legs and is typically yellowish-grey. Originating in the Mediterranean region, it has spread to other parts of the world, where it can be found living among humans.

Most centipedes catch other insects/bugs by lassoing. House centipedes usually lay a lot of eggs during the spring season, so it’s best to get rid of them as soon as you can.

It’s always good to know these things before your try to get rid of them.


How  to prevent them from going near your bed

I will now show you some incredible and effective ways to prevent centipedes from getting on your bed.


Get rid of moisture

You can get rid of moisture or damp areas in your home by just sealing any leakage, dry places that are usually wet, etc. But the most effective way to get rid of moisture is to use an air dehumidifier. A dehumidifier removes water from the air, which helps to bring the humidity down in your home. Since most centipedes like damp and warm areas using one of these will help to prevent them from wanting to be inside your home especially your bedroom.


Seal off or block any holes or cracks in your home

unsealed hole in baseboard wallCentipedes are usually very small which means they can fit through a lot of small cracks in your home. So check around in your bedroom and the rest of your house to see if there are any cracks that can be sealed. Doing this will not only prevent centipedes from getting in but also other insects/bugs as well.


Install Bathroom fans

Bathroom fanBathroom fans are great because they can stop the build-up of moisture in your bathroom. If you get rid of moisture build-up in your bathroom it will also benefit the rest of your home including your bedroom because centipedes and other insects love damp/moist areas. Also, your bathroom is usually the main entry point for a lot of insects.


Get rid of other bugs/insects

I mentioned this a couple of times in this article but this is one of the best ways to prevent centipedes from being in your bedroom or the rest of your house. Centipedes usually hunt other insects/bugs so if you see a lot of them in your home then you might want to get rid of the other bugs/ insects. There can be many different types of insects but the main culprits are usually cockroaches.

If you have a roach issue going on in your home you can either call pest control or follow the steps in this article.


Cut the bushes or shrubs in your yard

Some centipedes create their nesting areas in bushes and shrubs in your yard. So be sure to cut them down to prevent the centipedes from laying more eggs and going inside your home.


How to get rid of the centipedes

I showed you how to prevent them from entering your bed but now I will show you how you can get rid of them.

It’s best to immediately get rid of centipedes if you spot them because you don’t want to give them a chance to lay their eggs in your house which would create more problems.


Call pest control

Calling pest control is usually an option you use when the situation is really out of control. Pest control services will get rid of all sorts of insects that are in your home. The good thing about pest control services is that you know the insects will be gone for good. Not only that but their services are usually very fast and safe.


Release them back outside (without killing them)

There are some reasons why you maybe shouldn’t kill a centipede if you see one roaming around. This is because Centipedes are usually harmless and they only “bite” if they feel threatened and they are also good at getting rid of other insects in your home.

So if you want to get rid of them without killing them all you have to do is just capture the centipede and release it outside in your backyard.

Only do this if you see one or two centipedes but if you see multiple you’ll probably have to get rid of them using the next method.


Poison the centipedes with pesticide

If there are too many centipedes to handle it’s probably best if you use pesticides to get rid of them. You can also try insecticides as well. A good way of getting rid of centipedes naturally is to use peppermint oil or tree oil. Just add 10 drops of whatever oil you choose to use into a spray bottle with a cup of water. Now spray the mixture around the floor of your bed, around your window, door frame, etc. Do this every week (once a week). This will keep the centipedes away.


If you want to know more about house centipedes just check out this article.

Related questions about centipedes


Are centipedes dangerous?

 Most centipedes especially House centipedes aren’t dangerous to humans. However, it is best not to let them crawl on your skin because they might puncture your skin with their legs. They usually only do this if they feel threatened.


How long do centipedes stay in one place?

Centipedes usually stay in one place for a long time if there is a lot of food for them. This includes places such as under your bed. The “food” they usually hunt are other insects so if there are a lot of centipedes in your bedroom, it means that an insect problem going on. They won’t leave until there are no more insects for them to eat.


Is there a difference between house centipedes and other centipedes?

Yes, there is. Unlike regular centipedes, house centipedes usually have 15 pairs of legs. Their legs are also longer and straighter than regular centipedes.


Are house centipedes Beneficial to your home?

House centipedes usually hunt other insect pests in your home so yes they can be beneficial to your home but you still have to get rid of them if you realize that they are breeding out of control.


Can light keep centipedes away?

 Using light does help to temporarily scare away centipedes. This is because they usually like dark areas.


Will house centipedes crawl on you while you sleep?

 House centipedes will usually crawl on you when sleeping because your body provides a lot of heat.


Why do centipedes crawl in your bed?

 As I stated above; house centipedes usually crawl into your bed because it is warm and sometimes your body heat is what might be attracting them. But the reason why they are in your room in the first place is probably because of other insects.


Do centipedes bite dogs?

 The answer to this is yes. Centipedes usually “bite” when they feel threatened and most dogs like to play around with insects. So if your dog happens to eat a centipede or get bitten by one you don’t have to worry as they will be fine in no time.


In this article, I showed you how to keep centipedes out of your bed and home and I also answered some questions people usually ask about them. I hope you found this article helpful and if so please share with someone who has a centipede infestation.






In this article, I will show you how to get rid of roaches in car. I will also show you how to prevent cockroaches from getting into your car.


How and why do roaches get in your car?

Roaches like to sneak into small areas and because they have very tiny bodies they are able to do so easily. Your car has many small areas where roaches can fit through and this will cause a roach infestation inside your car. Now the reason why roaches live inside your vehicle is maybe that there is a lot of food inside of it. Roaches love places where there is food, shelter, and water, and most times when a car is very filthy it probably has a lot of food in it and maybe water as well. Now you might be saying “my car isn’t that filthy” and maybe it isn’t on the surface, but if you look into certain areas you’ll realize that there is a lot of food crumbs and other things that might be attracting roaches.


Dangers of having roaches in your car

One of the worst things about roaches is that they spread different types of bacteria. These bacteria can cause health problems. If you don’t do anything about the roaches in your vehicle they might lay eggs inside your car and that is one thing you don’t want to happen.


Where do they hide?

Cockroaches like to hide in very small and unexpected places such as under the car speakers, seats, ac vents, etc. So sometimes it’s best to bait them out with something then you kill them.

Now I am going to tell you some of the best ways on how to get rid of roaches in your car.


Some of The best ways to get rid of roaches in your car

I am now going to show you some incredible ways to get rid of roaches that are inside your car.


1. Clean inside the car by removing trash from it

Inspect your car to see if there is any garbage in it. By garbage, I mean things like leftover food, plastic, food bags, food crumbs, etc. Use your hand to pick up most; if not all the garbage that’s inside your car.


2. Use insecticide to kill the roaches

If you have a can of insect spray just spray it inside the areas you think the roaches are hiding. Be sure to wear a mask. You can also use bug bombs as well. After using them you need to air out your car. Doing this will help to get rid of the toxic fumes that most insecticides have. I also highly recommend that you don’t use your car for around 2-4 days.


WarningWhile those 2 methods are somewhat good. The cons outnumber the pros. First of all, using insecticides in your car isn’t a good idea because they are very toxic and it can take a while for the fumes to go out of your car. It’s also recommended that after you use them you have to steam clean (a steam cleaner can be very expensive) inside of your car. I personally would not try these 2 methods unless the roach infestation is very bad and I don’t have any other options.

Now I will show you a safer method on how to kill the roaches in your car.


3. Use Borax as bait

Borax is a great and safe household item to use. It’s not only great for laundry but it has tons of different uses as well. If you are interested in some of if its other uses then click here to get rid of roaches. But now I am going to tell you how you can use it to get rid of cockroaches that are inside your vehicle.

The first thing you need to do is mix together borax and something sweet like honey, sugar into multiple bottle caps or small dishes. You can also just sprinkle the borax where you think the roaches are hiding (under the seats, trunk, car floor, etc) and mix it with honey or sugar. Roaches love the sweet smell of food so this will attract them and after consuming the honey or the sugar they will eventually die because the borax acts as a poison to them.


4. Vacuum inside of the car

This method is similar to the first one but the difference is while the first one is about picking up garbage, this one is about just getting rid of much food crumbs as possible. If you eat a lot in your car then you will definitely have crumbs spilled somewhere whether it’s under the seats, between them, on your dashboard, or on your floors. To clean inside of your car with a vacuum is easy, all you need is a portable vacuum and clean the areas that I’ve just mentioned. Doing this will definitely get rid of the food crumbs that are in your car and it will also prevent roaches from showing up or make them want to leave.

The good thing about this is that you are not only getting rid of the food that’s in your vehicle but you are also cleaning it as well by getting rid of dust and dirt particles that were in it.


5. Get your car steam cleaned

I’ve mentioned before that you can get inside your car steam cleaned if you used any strong insecticide products in it. Even if you didn’t use any insecticide in your car you can still use a commercial steam cleaner to clean inside your car. As I’ve mentioned before in this article a lot of commercial steam cleaners are very expensive. This is one of the only cheaper ones that I’ve seen that have decent reviews about it “ McCulloch MC1385 Deluxe Canister Steam Cleaner “.

Before you clean your car with a steam cleaner you still need to do the 1st, 3rd, and 4th methods I’ve listed.

Cleaning inside your car with a steam cleaner will help to keep roaches away.


I don’t recommend that you just buy a steam cleaner for only getting rid of roaches even if you think that the other methods won’t work (which most of them will). Now If you already had a commercial steam cleaner at home then it would be fine to use it since you won’t spend a ton of money.


How to prevent roaches from returning into your vehicle.

Throughout this post I’ve been telling you some ways on how to get rid of roaches in your car, but now I will tell you how to prevent them from showing up.


1. Avoid getting food crumbs on the floor and on the seats.

This is a common issue for a lot of people who eat a lot in their vehicles. Now I don’t want to tell you that you shouldn’t eat in your car because there isn’t a problem with that but you have to make sure that you immediately clean up the food crumbs with a portable vacuum or just spread a large towel over your body when you are eating. Food is probably the number one reason why roaches would want to be in your vehicle.


2. Close windows

If you are probably thinking “but everyone closes their vehicle windows” you can move on to the next method since this doesn’t really apply to you. Some people don’t really close their car windows fully which is weird and bad because it might be easier for car thieves to break-in. But sometimes a car can be old or it may have some issues going on with the windows which won’t allow them to shut completely. This will cause roaches to go inside your car especially if you have food inside of it.

If you cant fully shut your car windows I would suggest that you use some cardboard to block the windows.

3. Make sure not to store any food in the car

By this, I mean that you shouldn’t leave things like food bags and other food-related garbage in your car because you might think that there isn’t anything left in them but the roaches will know that there is food left for them to eat.  So it’s best to just get rid of any food bags and other garbage you might have laying around in your car.




So in this article is told you how to get rid of roaches in your car and also how to prevent them from showing up. Alot of these methods worked for other people so I hope it works for you as well.