
cleaning tips


Whether it’s by smoking or being in an area filled with smoke like a campfire, your clothes will eventually smell like it too. It’s even worse if its smells like cigarettes. Cleaning smoke-scented clothes are way easier than you think. In this article, I will show you how to get the smoke smell out of your clothes.


How to get smoke smell out of clothes


Wash with Baking soda

Place the cigarette-smelling clothes inside the washer and add the best laundry detergent you have. Then add 1 cup of baking soda inside the washer onto the clothes., then wash them normally. After washing them place them inside the dryer for 60 minutes.



Air out your clothes

This is one of the best and easiest ways to get the smoke smell out of your clothes. All you have to do is hang the clothes outside so that they can air dry for a couple of hours. Doing this will get rid of the smoke smell of the garments.



Soak them

This is yet another easy method in this article. The first thing you need to do is get a bucket filled with warm water and add liquid detergent to it. Then place the cigarette-smelling clothes inside the bucket of water and let them smoke for 1-2 hours. After the time has passed place them inside the washer and wash them normally.



Wash them with vinegar

This is very similar to the baking soda method, but instead of using baking soda, you are going to use vinegar. Place the garments inside the washer and add 1/2 cup of distilled vinegar into the water (not directly onto the clothes). Then add some laundry detergent into the washer and wash using warm water.

Here is an article you might be interested in “click here



Wash with lemon extract

This might seem weird but it’s a great way of getting rid of nasty smoke odors out of almost any clothing. Just squeeze some lemons into a cup until you have around 1/4-1 cup of lemon juice. Now pour the lemon juice into the washer with the clothes inside of it and wash on a regular cycle. The lemon juice will even get rid of any other bad odors that were coming from the clothes.



Use Dryer sheets and fabric softener

Place the clothes inside the washer and add 2 cups of fabric softener. After washing them place them in the dryer and use around 4 dryer sheets. This will definitely get rid of the smoke odor that was in your clothes and also makes them smell ten times better than before.


There is no denying that vinegar is an amazing product. I mean you can use it for a lot of things. It can be used to flavor or clean foods, it can be used as a stain remover, and also as a deodorizer. However while it does have a lot of great uses, the smell can be a bit unbearing at times especially if you used it on your clothes or floor. So don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to get rid of the vinegar smell.



How to get rid of the vinegar smell

Getting rid of the scent of vinegar inst too difficult. There are many ways to do this but I’ve chosen 5 of the best methods to use.



Light scented candles

This is rather a simple one, isn’t it? I mean all you have to do is choose your favorite scented candles light them and place them where the vinegar scent is strong. However, while this method will make you forget the smell of vinegar, it only masks it, which means after the candles burn out you’ll still smell the vinegar. But you might be asking why did I include it on this list, and the reason is that it is still useful; If you are having guests over and you want the vinegar smell to be masked but you don’t know where it’s coming from, just light a few scented candles and the smell will no longer be present at least for an hour.


Use disinfectant

There are two types of disinfectant you can use; Lysol disinfectant spray or fabuloso liquid disinfectant. The difference between both of these is that the spray will clean better but the liquid disinfectant smells better. Whichever one you’re using you will still mask or get rid of the vinegar smell. Just apply the disinfectant onto where the vinegar scent is or if you don’t know where it’s coming from then just wipe the tables with the disinfectant.



Boil some citrus

Boiling citrus is a great way of masking the scent of vinegar. All you have to do is peel the skin off some oranges, lemons, or limes and place them inside the pot of boiling hot water. The scent of citrus will eliminate the scent of vinegar.



Let the air flow through

This is the simplest method on this list. To air out your home all you have to do is open up the windows and doors (you can only open up the windows if you want). Doing this will let out all the trapped odor that was inside.



Wash clothes with fabric softener

If your clothes have the scent of vinegar all over them, don’t worry because all you have to do is place them in the washer and add a few cups of your favorite fabric softener and let them wash.


Here is another article that may help “click here

We all know that Windex is an amazing product that can clean any glass surface pretty well. But sometimes people might not have access to it, whether it’s because they live in a different country or maybe they don’t have a bottle with them at the moment but still wants to clean their mirrors. Don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to clean a mirror without Windex.




Vinegar is an amazing product that can clean basically any surface. So if you want to clean a dirty mirror without Windex, don’t worry because you can use vinegar to do the job. When cleaning a mirror with vinegar you first need to get a clean microfiber cloth. Make sure that the cloth is damp and then pour some vinegar onto it. After doing that, you should know to use the vinegar-soaked cloth to clean the mirror.

After cleaning the mirror use another dry microfiber cloth to wipe the mirror again.



Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol have a surprising amount of uses. It can be used as a deodorizer, disinfectant, etc. But did you know it can also be used as a glass cleaner as well? Rubbing alcohol and glass cleaner share a lot of properties so it makes sense that you can use (rubbing alcohol) as a substitute.

When cleaning a mirror with rubbing alcohol you first need to spray the rubbing alcohol onto the mirror and then use a microfiber cloth to clean it. When cleaning makes sure to get rid of the water stains and toothpaste stains as well.



Warm water

I know there are a lot of people that don’t like using water to clean any glass surface because it might cause some streaks on it but this isn’t always the case. If you use warm water or steam you’ll see similar results to that of a Windex glass cleaner. To use warm water to clean your mirrors all you have to do is turn on the faucet and catch the warm water in a spray bottle or the better method is to turn on the faucet or shower and leave the warm water running for a while which will eventually cause the mirror to be watery. THen use a microfiber cloth to clean the mirror.



Shaving cream

Apply a bit of shaving cream onto the mirror then use a microfiber cloth to wipe it.



Disinfectant wipes

Get some Lysol disinfectant wipes and use them to clean the mirror. This will remove any hard water and toothpaste stain.



Liquid dish soap

Apply some dish soap onto a window cleaner and use it to wipe down the mirror.




Nowadays a lot of people are wearing facemasks for obvious reasons. But oftentimes they get really dirty and in today’s article, I will be showing you three ways to clean a facemask.

You might be wondering why would anyone clean a face mask if you can just buy a bunch of disposable ones. Well while disposable masks might be cheap, it is still better to just have a few masks that can just be washed anytime.



Washing machine

This is a very simple but effective way of cleaning a face mask. All you have to do is place the face mask inside of the washer with other clothes. After washing it place the face mask inside the dryer or air dry it.



Soak in soap and water

Get a small bucket of warm water and add your favorite laundry detergent to it. Then place the facemask inside the water and let it soak for 30 minutes to an hour. After that rinse the mask and let it air dry.



Wash it under running water

Another quick way to clean a face mask is to wash it under running water whether it’s this art in the kitchen or bathroom sink. To wash your facemask under running water you first need to squirt a few drops of dish soap onto it and then place it under the warm running water. Make sure to air dry the mask after washing it.


Related article

How to get grease out of clothes





Ever had an annoying grease stain on your shirt or pants? Of course, you have, almost everybody has had a grease or oil stain on their clothes, and it’s pretty annoying to deal with. There are many methods on how to get grease stains out of clothes but only a few of them really works. Today I am going to show you how to get grease out of your clothes using the best methods.



Baking soda

If you know anything about cleaning you’ll not be surprised that baking soda is great at removing tough stains. So it makes sense that baking soda can remove grease and oil stains as well.

To remove grease stains from your clothes with baking soda you first need to get a small dish of warm water. Then sprinkle some of the baking soda onto the grease stain. Dip a toothbrush into the warm water and rub it all over the baking soda. Make sure to rub the baking soda all over the grease stains. Keep doing this until the stain starts to disappear, then place the clothes in the washer.


Dish soap

This is another great way of removing grease stains from any clothing. The best dish soap that’s good for this is Dawn. Dawn is excellent at removing grease from almost anything. There are two ways in which you can use dawn dish soap to remove grease from your clothes, they are both similar but somewhat different.

To get rid of grease out of your clothes using dish soap you need to do the following:

  1. Squirt a few drops of dish soap onto the greasy area of the garment and use your fingers to rub it in.
  2. Then use a wet toothbrush to gently scrub the grease out of the garment.
  3. After doing this you should rinse and place the shirt inside the washing machine.
  4. (optional) or you can get a large bucket of warm water and add your favorite laundry detergent to it.
  5. Then place the garment into the bucket of water and let it soak for 1-2 hours.
  6. After doing that you should place it in the dryer.



While I don’t believe that wd-40 will work as best as the other methods on this list I still do believe that you should at least try it.

To get rid of grease or oil stains using wd-40 you need to spray the grease with wd-40 and use a damp cloth to rub the stained area. Then place the clothing into the washer. If the garment still has the grease stain on it then maybe you should try a different method that’s on this list.

Another issue with using wd-40 on clothes is that while it will get rid of the grease stains, you’ll still have the wd-40 residue on the clothes.


Salt and stain remover

This might be the weirdest method in this article but you should definitely try it because it might be the most effective. For this method what you want to do is to dampen the grease/oil-stained area of the clothes with water and then sprinkle salt all over the stained area. Let the salt absorb the grease for around 3-5 minutes. Then spray the grease with this stain remover. After spraying the garment, you should place it in the washer and let it wash with the warmest water option.

Doing this will remove all the grease stains that were on the garment.



While I do believe that all of these methods will definitely get rid of grease stains, I still recommend only trying the wd-40 method last as the rest are way more effective.







Cleaning a monitor is way easier than you might think. However, there are some things you need to know and do before cleaning your monitor, especially the screen. But that’s why I’m here, in today’s article I will be showing you how to clean your monitor without damaging it.



Precautions before cleaning your monitor

When cleaning your monitor be sure not to use paper towels, pads, cloth towels, or anything rough, because using them on the monitor might scratch it. I also think it’s best to avoid using water and vinegar as well.

When cleaning a monitor you should use a microfiber cloth and a screen cleaner. Using a microfiber cloth instead of a regular one will clean your monitor screen without leaving behind any thread residue and scratches.



How to clean your monitor screen

To clean your monitor screen you need to follow these steps

1. Turn off the monitor

Turn off the monitor and disconnect all the cables. After disconnecting all the cables wait 15 – 30 minutes before you start to clean the monitor.


2. Dust off the monitor screen

Make sure to dust off the monitor screen before you start the cleaning process. You can use a regular duster or a dry microfiber cloth. It’s very important to dust off the monitor before cleaning it because if you clean the screen while dust particles are on it this can make it look really messy.


3. Spray cloth and clean monitor screen

Now it’s time to clean the monitor screen and it’s best to use a screen cleaner instead of water or vinegar. When cleaning any screen whether it’s a tv, phone or a monitor make sure not to spray the cleaner directly onto the screen. Doing this might cause the liquid to get into some creases of the electronic and this will cause some electrical issues. So it’s best to spray the microfiber cloth instead and use it to wipe the monitor screen.


4. Wipe the screen multiple times

If there are still stains and fingerprint marks on your monitor screen then it’s best to repeat the previous step over and over until the stains are gone.


How to clean other parts of the monitor

When cleaning other parts of the monitor you have to be even more careful, because places such as the back of the monitor usually have some creasers and holes that lead directly inside of the monitor and if any liquid gets into those areas, it can cause the monitor to stop working.

But don’t worry I am going to show you how to clean the other parts of your monitor without damaging it.



  1. Dust off the monitor
  2. Get a microfiber cloth and pour some rubbing alcohol onto it. Then squeeze out the excess liquid.
  3. Now use the cloth to wipe down every part of the monitor excluding the screen.




You see cleaning a monitor isn’t too hard. I hope you found this article useful and if you are interested in how to clean tv and phone screens then click here.




In this article, I will show you how to remove bad odors from your shoes using some easy tricks.


Baby powder

Baby powder is surprisingly good at deodorizing a bad-smelling shoe. To remove any bad odor from your shoes with baby powder you need to sprinkle some of it inside the shoes. Then let the shoes sit overnight with the baby powder inside of them. The next morning you should throw the excess powder out of the shoes, after doing that your shoes should be smelling way better than before.


Another thing you can do is to sprinkle the baby powder inside the shoes and let them sit under the sun for a couple of hours. Then after that, you should leave them somewhere inside the house overnight.



Baking soda

Baking soda is a great product to have in your home because it has many uses. One of the uses that baking soda has is that it can be used as a way to deodorize your shoes. Deodorizing your shoes with baking soda is rather simple, all you have to do is sprinkle the baking soda inside the shoes and let it sit in them overnight. Then the next morning all you have to do is throw the baking soda out of the shoes.



Freeze them

This is the strangest method on this list but it is definitely one of the most effective. Freezing your shoes will kill any bacteria that was in them, which will make the shoes smell better. To remove the bad odors from your shoes by freezing them you’ll need to place them in a ziplock bag and put them in the freezer and let them sit in there for the whole night.



Wash the inner soles with vinegar, dish soap, and fabric softener

First, remove the inner soles of the shoes and place them under warm running water. After that add a few squirts of dish soap onto the inner soles and pour some vinegar onto them as well. After that, you should pour just a little fabric softener onto them as well.  Now use a toothbrush to scrub the shoe soles. After scrubbing them you should rinse them and then place them in the dryer.

After doing this your shoe will no longer smell bad.



Spray inside of them with rubbing alcohol

This is a very simple trick however it won’t last very long. To do this all you need to do is spray the inner sole of the shoes with rubbing alcohol. This is mostly for people in a hurry as the smell of the shoe will resurface in a couple of hours.



How to prevent shoes from smelling bad

There are many ways to prevent your shoes from smelling bad. However, I’m only going to tell you the most important methods.



1. Moisturize your feet regularly

This means you should put on some lotion on your feet an hour before you wear your shoes. This will make your feet smell good for the rest of the day, which will also prevent your shoes from having any bad odor.



2. Wear moisture-wicking socks

These are the best type of socks to wear when you are about to work for a long time. These types of socks will prevent your shoes from smelling bad due to how they don’t absorb sweat that easily.





A plunger is one if not the filthiest thing in your bathroom and I don’t think I even need to explain why it is. There are many different ways in which you can clean a plunger but today I am going to show you two of the best ones. These plunger cleaning methods are pretty simple so you don’t have to worry about following thousands of different steps.


How to clean a plunger


Step 1

Pour 1-2 cups of liquid bleach into the toilet bowl.


Step 2

Place the plunger inside the toilet and swirl it around for 2-3 minutes. Then flush the toilet.


Step 3

After cleaning the plunger rinse it with water. And let it dry in the shower



2nd method


Step 1

Get a bucket and fill it halfway up with hot water.


Step 2

Add 1 cup of bleach and a few squirts of dawn dish soap into it.


Step 3

Now place the plunger into the bucket of water and swirl it around for 2 minutes and let it sit in there for 1 hour.


Step 4

After one hour take out the plunger and rinse it using clean fresh water and let it dry in the shower.



I know there are a lot of ways to clean a plunger but these two methods are the best in my opinion. The reason why I prefer these methods is that they aren’t unnecessarily long and complicated to follow.

I hope this article showed you how to clean your plunger.


how to unclog a toilet without using a plunger






Smoking isn’t good for you it can cause some serious issues to your health. Most people who smoke cigarettes in their homes usually have a problem with smoke-stained walls. When the smoke from cigarettes stains your walls and ceilings this can be an issue because it will create a brownish-orange color on your walls and not only that but it will make them smell like cigarettes as well. So I am going to show you how to clean smoke off of walls.



What you should do first

Before you clean the smoke stain you have to loosen it up first. You need to use a vacuum with a brush attachment and run it all over the wall.



How to clean cigarette smoke off of walls with vinegar

To clean cigarette smoke stains off of walls with vinegar you first need to get a spray bottle and pour 1-2 cups of white vinegar into it. THen add 1cup of lemon juice (not the one you drink). Shake the mixture and spray it all over the walls. Then use a microfiber cloth to gently scrub away the stains.

The stains aren’t really that easy to get rid of so you may have to keep spraying and scrubbing until the smoke stains start to disappear.

Make sure you are wearing gloves and a mask.


Cleaning away smoke stains using dawn dish soap and Baking soda

For this method, you will be creating your own cleaner. Mix together 1 gallon of hot water, 6 tablespoons of dish soap, and 2 cups of baking soda.  Dip a rag into the mixture and use it to scrub the walls. Keep scrubbing until the stains become barely visible.



Use salt, baking soda, and warm water

Another way to get rid of cigarettes stains is to mix 1/2 cup of salt, 1 cup of baking soda, and  1 and a half cups of warm water. Now use a rag to clean away the cigarette smoke stain off your walls and ceilings. This may take a while so be patient.



Repaint the walls/ceiling

If you want to repaint the walls over the cigarette smoke without cleaning away the smoke stains first, well unfortunately you cant. You have to clean away the stains before you can paint them. Now I know some of you might be wondering what is the best paint to use to cover cigarette smoke and It depends on the type of paint you already had.

When painting your walls you could do it by yourself but personally, I would get a professional to do It since they would know how to properly cover the walls.



How to prevent cigarette smoke stains

There really isn’t an effective way to prevent cigarette smoke stains on your walls and ceiling if you will continue smoking inside your home. The best way to prevent this is if you go outside to smoke instead of doing it in your home.




If you are still having trouble removing the smoke stains from your walls then you need to hire a professional to deal with that. I hope this article was helpful to you and if you want more deep cleaning hacks then you should click here.



Often times electric kettles usually start to develop scales in them. This usually happens when you barely clean inside of the kettle. However, there are some incredible methods to get rid of these scales out of your kettle now only that but using these methods will also deodorize your kettle making it smell way better than before.



Why are there scales in my electric kettle?

The scales that you see in your kettle are minerals that fell to the bottom of your kettle when the water was boiling in it. How fast this scale builds up really depends on the water type in your area. If you live in an area with hard water then you’ll have this problem more frequently compared to somewhere that doesn’t have hard water.



How to clean an electric kettle with vinegar

Vinegar is the perfect choice to go with when cleaning a kettle. This is because vinegar acidity while mild is still very good at breaking down the mineral build-up inside the kettle.


Steps to clean kettle with vinegar:

Step 1

Pour 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of water into the kettle.

Step 2

Turn on the kettle and let the vinegar and water boil inside of it.

Step 3

After that let the vinegar and water sit in the kettle for a couple of hours or just leave it overnight. Then the next morning you should pour out the vinegar/water out of the kettle.

Step 4

Pour some water inside of the kettle and let it boil, then pour out the water and repeat. Doing this will remove the vinegar smell from your kettle.



Cleaning an electric kettle with baking soda

Using baking soda to clean away the mineral build-up inside a kettle is great because baking soda is known to have great cleaning capabilities.

Steps to clean kettle with baking soda:


Step 1

Sprinkle 6 tablespoons worth of baking soda into the kettle and add 2-3 cups of water to it.

Step 2

Let the water boil for around 7 minutes.

Step 3

Then use a soft cleaning brush to clean inside the kettle. Then rinse inside of it with cold water.



How to clean a kettle with citrus

Pour 1 cup of lemon juice and 2 cups of water into the kettle and let them boil for around 10 minutes. After letting them boil pour out the lemon juice and rinse the kettle with cold water.



How to clean a kettle with dawn dish soap

Cleaning a kettle with dawn dish soap is rather simple. All you have to do is pour 3 cups of water into the kettle and add 4 squirts of dawn dish soap. Mix the soap with the water so it can become sudsy and let it boil. After letting the water boil wait for it to cool down then use a cleaning sponge to clean the inside of the kettle. Make sure that you remove the mineral scale build-up when cleaning the kettle. Then after doing that, just rinse inside the kettle.



Cleaning outside a kettle

When cleaning outside a kettle there are two things that you should focus on. The first one is obviously making the kettle clean and the second one is making it look good by polishing it.



Cleaning the exterior of a kettle

There are a couple of ways how to clean outside of a kettle but I will show you two of the best methods to do so.


Using vinegar

To clean the outside of a kettle with vinegar you need to get a clean damp microfiber cloth and pour 1/2 cup fo vinegar onto it. Now use the vinegar-soaked cloth to wipe the kettle. Vinegar is great for cleaning stainless steel so you don’t have to worry about it damaging your kettle.


Using dish soap

You can use any type of dish soap you want but the one I recommend is dawn. This is because dawn dish soap is an excellent degreaser and it is also one of the best things to use when cleaning stainless steel.

To clean the exterior of your kettle with dawn dish soap you need to get a microfiber cloth and squirt 1 drop of dish soap onto it. Then use the cloth to wipe the kettle and then use another damp cloth to remove the soap.


Polishing the kettle

To polish your kettle you need to get a clean microfiber cloth and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to it. THen use the cloth to shine the kettle (only do this for stainless steel kettles). After doing that use another dry cloth to wipe the kettle again. The reason why you should do this again is that with the second wipe you’ll make the kettle shiny while also getting rid of the grease.



How to prevent limescale build-up in the kettle


To prevent limescale build-up in a kettle you can either use a kettle protector or just clean inside your kettle once a week.