Absolutely no one likes when their shower drain smell like rotten eggs trust me. I remember when this happened to me before and for a whole week I was trying everything to fix but I couldn’t get the right solution until I came up with the best ways to get rid of the smell. These solutions that I’ve mentioned below should work for you as well. So if your shower drain smells like eggs and you want to fix that then this article/post will help you to do so.
Why does my shower drain smell like rotten eggs
Most times when shower drains smell like eggs it’s usually because there is a lot of gunk and hair inside of them. You see when you shower or wash your hair in the shower the hair will get stuck inside the drain and when this happens, water and soap will get stuck on them and after a while, they will begin to smell.
How to deodorize shower drain manually
There are two important ways to deodorize a shower drain manually.
1. Remove any gunk, mold, and hair
Use a drain cleaner to remove any gunk and hair that’s inside the shower drain. Sometimes there will be hair on the cover, just make sure to remove it. Make sure to clean the moldy areas as well.
2. Use liquid disinfectant
If you don’t see any hair and gunk then it’s best to pour 1-2 cups of liquid disinfectant (Lysol or fabuloso) into the drain. This will make the drain smell way better than before.
These two methods aren’t permanent methods. So if you want to make sure your shower does not smell again then you should check out these next solutions.
If you are interested in how to make your bathroom smell great then click here.
How to clean shower drain and prevent mold from growing inside of it
Baking soda and vinegar
Pour some baking soda into the drain and then pour vinegar in it as well. If you are able to remove the shower cover (I don’t recommend doing this without professional help) then you should mix the baking soda and vinegar before pouring it into the drain, and after doing that you should use a cleaning brush to remove the mold and gunk.
Mix bleach and water
If you arent able to remove the drain cover then it’s best to mix bleach with equal parts warm water and pour it inside the shower drain. Doing this will immediately get rid of the rotten egg smell that’s coming from inside the drain.
Get professional help
If you have tried all of these methods but they still haven’t worked then it’s best to contact a company that specializes in cleaning these types of things.
After trying these methods/solutions your shower drain will no longer smell like rotten eggs. I hope you found this post/article useful/
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