Cleaning is a necessary chore, but it doesn’t have to be a boring or daunting task. In this article, we’re going to explore 29 super original cleaning hacks that will not only make your life easier but also help you discover a new level of efficiency and creativity when it comes to keeping your home spick and span. Get ready to revolutionize your cleaning routine!

1. Cleaning a Cutting Board:

Cutting boards can hide bacteria from meats and vegetable that are not visible to the eyes. Because we are aware of this it is important to give your cutting board a deep clean at least once per week or rather after every use. To clean your cutting board thoroughly simply use the following tips.


* Lemon Power: Use lemon halves to scrub your cutting boards. The acidity will help remove stains and odors.

2. Freshen -Up a Smelly Garbage Disposal

Its easy to keep a garbage disposal fresh without costly cleaners. All you need is vinegar and a fridge and, you will always have an odorless garbage disposal. Here is how to solve this problem.


* Vinegar Ice Cubes: Freeze vinegar in ice cubes and grind them in your garbage disposal to eliminate odors.


3. Toothbrush as a Cleaning Brush:

Have you ever been cleaning and the scrubbing brush just can’t seen to get into those hard to reach corners? For instance, cleaning the corners of your baseboard or shower tile grout. Having a toothbrush on hand will go a far way when you need to get into those nooks.

4. Dusting Solution:

Here is a clever way to utilize old dryer sheets. So, the next time you do the laundry you might want to hold on to those used ones. Here are the instructions on how to dust your home with dryer sheets.


* Dryer Sheet Dusting: Use a few old dryer sheets to pick up dust on your baseboards and other surfaces like kitchen counters and wooden furniture. You can even use the fresh ones to dust fabric sofas. Doing this will make the sofa smell fresh and clean.

5. Shower Cap Shoe Covers:

If you are like me who just hate to wear shoes in the house especially on a rainy day. If you have to run into the house or for some reason you can’t remove your shoes here what to do…


Place shower caps over your shoes before entering the house on rainy days to avoid tracking in the house

6. Soda Can Tab Hangers:

Double up your closet space by using soda can tabs to hang multiple hangers. Remove the tab from an empty soda can and slide it onto the hook of a hanger. Use the lower hole of the tab to hang a second hanger, effectively doubling your hanging space and allowing you to organize outfits or group similar items together. This simple trick maximizes closet space without the need for additional storage solutions.

7. Rubber Glove Pet Hair Removal:

Don’t let pet hair get in the the way. To quickly gather the furs slip on a rubber gloves and slide your hand over the hairy surface. The hair will automatically stick tot he gloves


8. Baking Soda Mattress Refresh:

Mattresses do get smelly sometimes. Especially with kids or taking care of the elderly. To disguise or completely remove the odor simply sprinkle baking soda on your mattress, let it sit for 15 minutes, and vacuum it up for a fresh bed.

9.Chalk Grease Remover:

Use chalk to absorb grease stains on clothing before washing. Rub white chalk directly onto the grease stain and let it sit for a few minutes to absorb the oil. After the chalk has soaked up the grease, brush off the excess chalk powder and launder the garment as usual for a grease-free result.

10. Denture Tablets for Toilets:

Drop denture cleaning tablets in your toilet to keep it sparkling clean. Simply drop a couple of tablets into the toilet bowl and let them fizz and dissolve. The tablets will break down stains and mineral buildup, making it easier to scrub the toilet clean with minimal effort.

11. Alka-Seltzer Silver Polish:

Use Alka-Seltzer to clean tarnished silverware. Fill a container with warm water and drop in a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets. Submerge your tarnished silver items in the solution for a few minutes, then remove and rinse for shiny, polished silverware.

12. Dryer Vent Cleaning:

Attach a sock to a coat hanger to clean out your dryer vent effectively. Straighten a wire coat hanger and attach an old sock to one end with a rubber band. Use the sock-covered hanger to reach and remove lint and debris from the dryer vent, helping to prevent potential fire hazards.

13. Dish Soap Grout Cleaner:

Mix dish soap and baking soda into a paste to clean grout lines in your bathroom. Combine equal parts dish soap and baking soda to create a thick paste. Apply the mixture to the grout lines and scrub with a brush to remove grime and mildew, leaving your grout looking fresh and clean.

14. Lint Roller Lampshade Dusting:

Roll a lint roller over lampshades to remove dust and lint. Gently roll a sticky lint roller over the surface of your lampshades to pick up dust, pet hair, and other particles. This method is quick and effective, keeping your lampshades clean without the risk of damage.

15. Lemon and Salt Cutting Board Scrub:

Sprinkle salt on your cutting board, rub with half a lemon, and rinse for a clean surface. Generously sprinkle coarse salt over the cutting board, then use a halved lemon to scrub the surface. The combination of salt and lemon juice helps to disinfect and deodorize the board, leaving it fresh and ready for use.

16. Sock Swifter:

Slide a sock over your Swifter to pick up dust and dirt. Instead of using disposable Swifter pads, slip a clean sock over the Swifter head. The sock will attract dust and dirt effectively and can be easily washed and reused, making it a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative.

17. Dishwasher Deep Clean:

Place a cup of white vinegar in the dishwasher and run a cycle to eliminate odors and buildup. Fill a dishwasher-safe cup with white vinegar and place it on the top rack of an empty dishwasher. Run a hot water cycle to remove food particles, grease, and soap scum, leaving your dishwasher smelling fresh and functioning efficiently.

18. Dryer Lint Vacuum Attachment:

Attach an empty toilet paper roll to your vacuum hose to reach and clean tight spots. Flatten the end of an empty toilet paper roll and tape it to your vacuum hose. The flexible cardboard tube will help you access and clean lint and debris from hard-to-reach areas in your dryer and other appliances.

19. Rubber Band Squeegee:

Wrap a rubber band around your sponge to create a squeegee for countertops. Secure a rubber band around the middle of a sponge to provide extra grip and support. Use the sponge to wipe down countertops and other surfaces, with the rubber band acting as a makeshift squeegee to remove excess water and leave surfaces streak-free.

20. Shaving Cream Mirror Defogger:

Apply shaving cream to bathroom mirrors to prevent fogging. Spread a thin layer of shaving cream over your bathroom mirror and wipe it off with a clean cloth. The shaving cream leaves a residue that prevents moisture from condensing on the mirror, keeping it clear even after hot showers.


21. White Bread Wall Cleaner:

Remove smudges and marks from walls using a slice of white bread.


Gently press a piece of white bread against the wall and rub in a circular motion to lift away dirt, smudges, and fingerprints. The soft texture of the bread makes it an effective and gentle cleaner for painted surfaces.


22. Nail Polish Remover Pen Stains:

Use a nail polish remover pen to erase stains on fabric. Dab a small amount of nail polish remover onto a cotton swab or cloth and gently blot the pen stain. Be sure to test on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not damage the fabric, then rinse and launder as usual.


23. Hairspray Ink Stain Remover:

Hairspray can help remove ink stains from clothing. Spray a generous amount of hairspray onto the ink stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Blot the area with a clean cloth to lift the ink, then wash the garment to remove any residue.


24. Rubber Glove Blinds Dusting:

Slide a damp rubber glove over each slat of your blinds to remove dust.


Put on a rubber glove and dampen it slightly with water or a cleaning solution. Run your fingers along each slat to pick up dust and debris, leaving your blinds clean and dust-free.

25. Cotton Ball Air Vent Freshener:

Add a few drops of essential oil to a cotton ball and place it in your air vents for a pleasant aroma.


Soak a cotton ball with your favorite essential oil and tuck it inside the air vent. As air flows through the vent, it will carry the fragrance throughout the room, creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere.


26. Tea Bag Odor Absorber:

Place used tea bags in your shoes or fridge to absorb odors. Once you’ve finished your cup of tea, let the tea bags dry completely. Place the dry tea bags inside your shoes or in the refrigerator to naturally absorb and neutralize unpleasant odors, leaving everything smelling fresh.

27. Lemon Microwave Cleaner:

Microwave a bowl of water with lemon slices to loosen splatters for easy cleaning. Fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and add a few slices of lemon. Microwave on high for a few minutes until the water boils and the microwave is steamy. This will loosen any food splatters inside, making them easy to wipe away while leaving a fresh lemon scent.

28. Dish Soap Stove Grime Remover:

Soak stove grates and burner covers in soapy water for easy grime removal. Fill your sink with hot water and add a generous squirt of dish soap. Place the stove grates and burner covers in the soapy water and let them soak for at least 15-20 minutes. The grease and grime will soften, making it much easier to scrub away with a sponge or brush.

29. Plunger Sink Cleaner:

Use a plunger to unclog sinks but also to remove dents in carpets. To unclog a sink, create a tight seal with the plunger over the drain and plunge vigorously to dislodge the blockage. Additionally, you can use the suction power of the plunger to lift dents in carpets caused by heavy furniture, restoring the carpet fibers to their original state.


Cleaning can be an exciting and innovative task when you incorporate these 50 super original cleaning hacks into your routine. From repurposing household items to using unexpected products, these tips will not only save you time but also make your cleaning chores a breeze. Say goodbye to mundane cleaning and hello to a cleaner, more efficient home!

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