
Khalphano Mills



It’s been said that placing unpeeled onions in your house can clean the air by removing certain bacteria and viruses from it. I’ve personally heard this before and I still believed it. There is no scientific proof that onions will absorb bacteria and viruses from a person or from the air itself. This is an old folk tale and we all know that not everything we hear from these “tales” is true.

Back in my home country, I used to believe this and the reason why I did was that when I was sick my mother would always cut an onion in half and place it in my room. I wasn’t the type of person to stay sick for very long so I just assumed that the onion had something to do with me recovering fast but it turns out that wasn’t the case and I could recover quickly on my own by just resting and eating properly.



Why onions absorbing bacteria doesn’t work

First of all, if onions could even absorb bacteria this wouldn’t really help you to recover quickly or prevent you from getting sick because the number of bacteria it would need to absorb would be too much. Second of all, it is scientifically impossible for onions to absorb germs and bacteria from a person.



Do Onions have health benefits?

Of course, onions have a lot of benefits and I am going to list some here:

  • They are packed with nutrients
  • Helps contain blood sugar
  • It may help digestive health

There are a lot more benefits that onions have and if you are interested in them you should click here



FAQs About Onions


Do onions kill bacteria in your mouth?

Onions are said to not only kill bacteria in your mouth but also help to strengthen your teeth as well. This will only be effective if you eat the onion raw. Some say that onions are also good for helping to treat teeth infections, however, I do not know if this is true or not.


Is a cut onion poisonous?

The simple answer to this is NO. If you cut an onion you don’t have to worry about it being poisonous. You can cut an onion and leave it in the refrigerator for up to 7 days without it being dangerous to your health. However, I do not recommend leaving a cut onion on the counter for several days and then using it afterward.


Do smelling onions help you sleep?

Onions do help some people to sleep because they contain L-tryptophan which is a form of amino acid that acts as a sedative. This will help relax the nerves and helps you to sleep. However this does not mean it will work for everybody, this will not even work if you have insomnia.




While onions can clean the air by absorbing bacteria, germs, and viruses they still do have some benefits when you eat them. I hope this article taught you something new.







Often times our bathroom sink drains gets dirty really fast and easily. You may wonder why? And this is because stuff like hair, dirt, and grime usually builds up in the sink making running water harder to flow through and also making the sink have a bad smell. However, there are a few ways to clean a dirty bathroom sink drain and I am going to show you; them.



Best ways to clean bathroom sink drain

There are a couple of ways to clean the bathroom sink drain but out of all of them, one of them is really necessary and not optional. I’m talking about removing hair from the sink. If you are someone who does their hair in the bathroom chances are you probably have some hair in your bathroom sink drain. It is very important to remove hair before you clean the sink drain.

I am going to show you how to remove hair from your sink as doing this will make the cleaning process much faster.



How to remove hair from bathroom sink drain

To remove hair from your sink drain you first need to remove the drains stopper and see if you can clear the hair from the sink using your fingers (make sure you are wearing gloves) but if the hair is too far down then you need to use an unclogging gel. If you are planning on using an unclogging gel then make sure to read the instructions on the bottle to avoid messing something up.



Baking soda and vinegar

When you mix both vinegar and baking soda together, they make the best sink drain cleaner. The acidic nature of the vinegar and the powder thick form of the baking soda makes cleaning and even unclogging sinks easy. To clean your sink drain with baking soda you first need to mix 1 cup of vinegar and 5 tablespoons of baking soda together. After mixing them together this should create a thick pasty mixture (if the mixture inst thick and pasty, don’t worry, you can still use it). Now remove the sink drain stopper and pour some of the mixtures into the drain. After pouring the mixture into the drain, let the mixture sit for an hour then use running water to clear away the mixture.


Option 2

There is another way you can use baking soda and vinegar to clean your sink drain. For this option, you need to remove the drain stopper and sprinkle the baking soda in the drain, then pour 1 cup of vinegar into the drain as well. After doing this you’ll realize that when the vinegar and baking soda comes into contact they will start to bubble up, this is a good thing.



Boiling water and dawn dish soap

To clean your sink drain with boiling water and dish soap you first need to pour 1/2 gallon of boiling water (slowly pour into the drain). After pouring the boiling water into the drain wait 7 minutes then pour some cool water into it. Remove the drain stopper then squeeze the dawn dish soap into the drain (make sure to squeeze a lot). Let the dish soap sit in the drain overnight and then the next morning you should rinse the drain with running water (just turn on the faucet).



How to get rid of smelly drains in the bathroom

This is a question that is frequently asked but surprisingly it hasn’t been answered properly. When most people talk about deodorizing smelly drains in the bathroom they are talking about deep cleaning them however some people may just want to deodorize their bathroom sink drain without having to deep clean.

To get rid of a smelly sink drain you need to remove the stopper and pour 1-2 cups of bleach. After pouring the bleach pour 1 cup of Fabuloso disinfectant into the drain as well. Doing this will make your bathroom sink smell better.



As you can see by reading this article; cleaning a sink drain isn’t hard at all. If you tried all of these methods and none worked for then it’s best to get professional help but  I know that at least one of these methods will work for you.


Washing a baseball hat is actually really simple. But I do understand why some people would have some issues cleaning theirs. Sometimes the hat may not have been cleaned for a long time which means there is a lot of dust and dirt built upon them. Usually, if the baseball cap has a dark color you won’t have to worry about it being too dirty because the dust/dirt won’t be too visible. However the same cannot be said for a light-colored hat because this hat looks ten times worse than a dark-colored hat when dirty. If you have a dirty baseball hat without ruining it whether it’s light or dark-colored don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to clean your baseball hat using some simple methods.



Cleaning a hat with a toothbrush ( Spot cleaning)

This method is for hats that aren’t too dirty and only have a few stains on them. Cleaning hats like these are the easiest and that’s why I listed this method first.  The first thing you need to do when you are about to clean a hat with a toothbrush is to look for the spots that you need to clean hence the name “spot cleaning”. After spotting the stains it is now time to clean them.

When spot cleaning a hat you can use several different options but today I am going to show you 2 of them.


Option 1 Using soap

This method is pretty simple all you have to do is get a small container with water and add your favorite soap or detergent to it. You can add dish soap, laundry detergent, or oxi clean (make sure your hat isn’t made out of any material that oxi clean will damage). Just don’t use anything that contains bleach or any other harsh chemicals. After that dip the hat into the soapy water and then dip the toothbrush inside of it as well. After doing that you should use the toothbrush to gently scrub the stains that you see on the hat and let the soap sit on the stain for a couple of minutes. After doing this your hat will be looking cleaner than ever.


Option 2 vinegar and baking soda

I’m just going to get straight to the point. The first thing you need to do is mix both vinegar and baking soda together in a small dish or bowl. After doing that dip the hat that you want to clean in water and then place the baking soda and vinegar mixture onto the stains on the hat. Let the stains sit on the hat for an hour then rinse the hat.

Only use this option if the hat is white because it may damage the color on darker hats.



Soaking method

This method is really simple and similar to the previous one. To clean your baseball hat by soaking it you first need to get a bucket of warm water and add 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of your favorite laundry detergent. After that place the hat inside the bucket of water and let it soak for an hour. After an hour just rinse the hat with cold water and let it air dry.



Cleaning a baseball hat in the washing machine

A lot of people usually ask if it’s ok to wash a baseball cap or any other hat in the washing machine and to that, I have to say; it depends. If the hat doesn’t have any cardboard in it. You can definitely wash your hat using the washer but it’s best to stick to your hands, however, I am still going to show you how to clean your hat using the washing machine.

All you have to do Is place the hat inside the washer and use your favorite detergent. Set the time to a low one and after washing the hat place it in the dryer.

Again while this will clean your hat you have to be careful about using the washing machine might damage your hat over time.



Hand washing method

You might be wondering if washing with hands isn’t the same as washing the hat with a toothbrush and to that, I have to say “no”. This method just involves using your hands and nothing else.


For this method, all you have to do is place the hat inside a container filled with water and add any laundry detergent into it. After that use your hands to clean the hat by squeezing and rubbing it together. After doing this you should let the hat soak for 15 minutes then use your hands to clean it again. Then rinse the cap under running water.



I hope this article was helpful to you.





Most people hate when their clothes shrink. Oftentimes when this happens it can ruin the look of the clothes and if you decide to wear it you have to pull it down to your waist over and over again especially if it’s a shirt or blouse. But don’t worry because in this article I will show you how to unshrink your clothes using some simple methods.




What causes clothes to shrink

Most clothes usually shrink when we wash them. Especially if we wash them in warm water. However, this does not mean that if you wash your clothes in cold water they won’t shrink. Most clothes are made out of different types of fabric and often times when that fabric comes in contact with water they usually relax and when this happens the yarns retract and shrink.



How to unshrink your clothes

When unshrinking your clothes you have to think about the different types of fabric you are dealing with. Some clothes that are made out of cotton will most likely be easier to unshrink than clothes made out of wool. However, unshrinking them still uses the same method it just depends on how long you do it.


Unshrinking regular clothes

If you are confessed by what I mean by “regular clothes” I’m mostly talking about clothes made out of cotton, such as shirts, blouses, underwear, etc.

To unshrink these clothes just do the following:

  1. Get a large container of cold water filled halfway up ( a large bucket )
  2. Add 3-4 tablespoons of conditioner (add more depending on the amount of water)
  3. Now place the clothes into the bucket of water.
  4. Use your hands and stretch the clothes by gently pulling on each end. Do this for 1 minute.
  5. Now let the clothes soak in the bucket of water for 45 minutes. After this, the fibers should be loose enough to make the shrinkage go away.
  6. Rinse the clothes with fresh water and hang them to dry.



Unshrinking clothes made out of animal fabric

Clothes made out of animal fibers such as wool require a slightly different process to get them to unshrink.


To unshrink clothes made out of animal fibers, just do the following:

  1. Get a bucket and fill it up with lukewarm water
  2. Add 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of borax, and 4 tablespoons of conditioner. If you don’t have conditioner you can use baby shampoo instead.
  3. Place the clothes inside the bucket and gently stretch them for around 1-2 minutes.
  4. After stretching them let them soak for 30 minutes.
  5. After 30 minutes stretch them with your hands again.
  6. Now rinse and let them air dry



After following all these steps your clothes whether they are made out of cotton, wool, etc, should be able to fit you better now.




It’s surprising that most people don’t really clean their bathtubs that often. I used to be like that as well. I would often clean my shower but ignore the bathtub, but doing this isn’t a good thing because mold will start to grow on it and that is something you don’t want to happen.


What you need

When cleaning your bathtub you’ll need the following:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Bleach
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Cleaning sponge
  • mop



How to deep clean bathtub

There are many ways to clean a bathtub but I picked out four of the best ones. These 4 methods will make your bathtub look clean in no time.



Cleaning bathtub with bleach

This is a great way to not only remove dirt and grime from the bathtub but also to remove mold as well. Bleach is a very strong and harsh chemical and using it without protection can sometimes cause some issues. So if you are using any type of bleach make sure to wear a mask and gloves.

To clean your bathtub with bleach make sure you get a clean cloth and pour bleach onto it. Then use the cloth to scrub the bathtub. Doing this will get rid of the mold that was on it.

After cleaning your bathtub with bleach be sure to leave your shower curtain and bathroom door open so that the bleach smell can escape.



Vinegar and baking makes the best shower cleaner

Vinegar and baking soda are two of the best cleaners you can use. They will clean and remove almost any stain from a lot of things. They work even better when you combine them together. To mix both vinegar and baking soda together you have to get a bowl and sprinkle 1-2 cups of baking soda into it then add 1/2-1 cup of vinegar and mix the two together. Now get a sponge and dip it into the mixture and use it to scrub the bathtub. After scrubbing the bathtub let the baking soda and vinegar residue sit for around 20 minutes. After that just rinse the bathtub.



Dish soap

This is often my go-to when I need to clean something. Dish soap Is usually the fastest and safest cleaning method you can use when cleaning your bathtub. Now there are many types of dish soap but I prefer to use dawn since it’s the one that works best for me.

To clean your bathtub with dawn dish soap you need to get a damp sponge and squirt a few drops of dawn dish soap onto it. Now use the sponge to clean the bathtub. Make sure to scrub away any dirt and grime you see. After doing that just rinse the bathtub.



How to clean bathtub without bending /kneeling

Often times one of the main reasons people don’t really like to clean certain areas around their homes is because of bending or kneeling down. This is something that I and most other people don’t like to do because doing this a lot can cause some knee and back pains. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean at all especially if your bathtub is dirty. I am going to show you how to clean your bathtub without kneeling.


Step 1 Fill the bathtub with warm water

Just fill the tub with a small amount of water (nothing past the ankles).


Step 2 Squirt dawn dish soap and bleach into it

Now squirt a few tables spoons of dawn dish soap and pour around 1/2 cup of bleach into the water. Mix the water around after doing this.


Step 3  Use a microfiber mop to clean the bathtub

Use any microfiber mop (or a regular mop) to clean the bathtub. If you don’t have a mop then you can use a spare broom. The broom will scrub away the dirt and grime better.


Step 4 release the water and rinse the bathtub

Release the water and use fresh water to rinse the bathtub.



This was the best way to clean your shower without having to bend and hurt your back.


If you are into arts and crafts or maybe you were just writing something with a sharpie, you’ll most likely get the ink on your skin. Most times this isn’t a bad thing as you can easily wash it off but in some cases, the marker is permanent, and using water alone won’t work. So is that it? Do you have to live with the sharpie ink on your skin from now on? Well, obliviously not as most permanent marker ink usually fades off the skin in about 3 days, but if you want to remove the ink faster I’ve listed some methods that you can try.



Can ink damage your skin?

Most inks from markers and pens aren’t too toxic. They aren’t even toxic enough to cause ink poisoning. So you won’t damage your skin if it is exposed to ink.



How to remove permanent sharpie ink off of skin

Now I will show you some methods you need to know when removing permanent marker ink off of your skin.


Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer should be the first product you use when trying to get ink off of your skin. This is because it is simple to use and not dangerous for your skin. When removing ink with hand sanitizer make sure you use a cloth to rub away the ink.


Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another great way to remove ink stains from the skin. To be honest, a lot of alcohol-based products are good to use when getting rid of ink stains, however, rubbing alcohol isn’t toxic so it can be used on the skin. To remove the ink stain from your skin, all you need to do is pour some of the rubbing alcohol onto the sharpie ink and use your fingertips or a clean cloth to rub away the ink. Keep rubbing until the ink fades away. After doing this, rinse your hands with warm water and dry them with a clean cloth or a piece of paper towel.


Shaving cream

Apply shaving cream onto the ink-stained area and use your fingers to rub it into the ink. Keep rubbing for around 1 minute and the ink should no longer be visible. If you still see the ink, then just keep trying this method.

You can also try sunscreen as well.


Coconut oil

Before you use the coconut oil to remove the ink stain you first need to wash your hands and dry it, then apply the coconut oil onto the stained area. Then rub the coconut oil into the ink-stained area of the skin until the ink starts to fade away. Make sure to rub in a circular motion.


Baby wipes

Baby wipes are great for removing stains off of skin. To remove permanent marker ink stain off your skin with baby wipes all you need to do is dab the stain with the wipes until the ink has faded away.


Baby oil

Baby oil works in the same way as coconut oil if you want to remove the sharpie ink off of your skin. All you have to do is pour a little baby oil onto the stained area and use a cloth or cotton gauze to rub the skin.


Nail polish remover

If you don’t have a bottle of rubbing alcohol don’t worry because you can use nail polish remover to remove permanent ink off of your skin. To do this you just simply need to get a cotton gauze and pour some nail polish remover onto it and then use it to rub away the sharpie ink.


Makeup remover wipes

Simply use the makeup remover wipe to rub away the ink stain off of your skin.


Whitening toothpaste

This may come as a surprise but toothpaste is actually great for removing certain stains, and this includes some ink stains. To remove permanent marker stains from your skin all you have to do is squeeze some toothpaste onto the stained area and wet your finger under running water and use it to rub the toothpaste all over the ink-stained area. Now wait 3 minutes and after that rub the ink stain again. Now rinse off the toothpaste and use a dry cloth to dry your skin and the ink stain should be no longer visible.



Permanent marker ink will eventually fade away from your skin in a couple of days so if you don’t want to use any of these products on your skin then you don’t have to worry.

In this article, I showed you how to remove sharpie ink off of your skin using some simple methods. I hope this was helpful.


Sometimes we might injure ourselves by accident and then the blood from the wound may drip onto certain areas such as the couch, bed, and the floors. Usually, blood isn’t hard to clean, because all you have to do is wipe it up; but when it drips onto some places such as the couch, bed, and especially the carpets, removing the stain can be really difficult. So that’s why today I am going to show you how to get blood out of your carpet using some simple methods.



How to get dried bloodstain out of carpet

There are two different types of bloodstain you should worry about and that is when it’s dry and when it’s fresh. Since dried blood stains are usually easier to deal with I am going to show you how to get rid of them first.

There are 4 methods I am going to show you and each of them are very useful on their own. However, if you realize that one of them inst working for you then all you have to do is try the next one or try all of them.



Method 1: Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is mostly used for treating open wounds but it also makes a great stain remover. Not only that but hydrogen peroxide have a lot of different household hacks and uses.

To clean away blood with hydrogen peroxide then all you have to do is pour some of the peroxides onto the blood-stained area on the carpet then pour some of it on a damp cleaning sponge. Now squeeze 2 drops of dawn dish soap onto the stained area. Then use the sponge to wipe away the blood from the carpet. The sponge will make it easier to absorb the blood.

After doing this there should no longer be any bloodstain on your carpet.



Method 2: Use vinegar and Baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda are one of the best cleaning mixtures. You can clean almost any surface when you mix these two together. So that’s why it’s best to use both of them to clean away the dried-up blood from your carpet.

To clean the dried up blood stain from your carpet with baking soda and vinegar you need to do the following steps:

  1. Get a bowl and mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 1-2 cups of vinegar
  2. Mix them together until they both form one substance.
  3. Pour 1 cup of diluted vinegar onto the blood-stained area. Pour less if there isn’t a lot of blood.
  4. Get a cleaning brush and dip the bristles into the baking soda and vinegar mixture and use it to scrub away the dried up blood from the carpet.



Method 3: Use oxi clean

To clean blood stains from the carpet with oxi clean stain remover, you need to mix it with warm water and let the mixture sit on the bloodstain for around 20-30 minutes. Then after doing that you need to get a dry cloth and use it to blot away the bloodstain. Keep doing this until the bloodstain is no longer visible. After doing that you should use a vacuum to get rid of the baking soda residue from the carpet.



Method 4: Use laundry detergent

Pour your favorite liquid laundry detergent onto the blood-stained area on the carper (make sure it doesn’t contain any bleach). Then use a damp cloth to scrub away the bloodstain.



How to get fresh blood out of carpet

Getting rid of dried-up blood from any carpet is a bit more simple compared to getting rid of fresh blood. The reason why removing fresh blood from a carpet is harder, is because it is still in its liquid making it easier to spread and also hard to scrub. But don’t worry just follow the steps below and you will realize that it’s much easier than you thought.



Step 1 Remove the excess blood

The main problem of removing fresh blood from a carpet is the liquid. It is hard to scrub away fresh blood because it will spread and cause more mess. So in order to clean it up, you have to get rid of the excess blood first. To do this you need to get a cloth and place it over the blood so that it can absorb it. You can also use a sponge to do this.



Step 2 Pour vinegar on the blood-stained area

Pour around 1/2 – 1 cup of vinegar onto the blood-stained area and let it sit there for a couple of minutes. After doing that squeeze a few drops of dawn dish soap onto the stain.



Step 3  Use a sponge to clean away the blood

Now use a sponge to scrub the blood away. Only scrub within the stain because you don’t want it to spread. Keep scrubbing until the stain disappears.

If the stain is still visible then it’s best to repeat all the steps including the first four methods.




A dirty mouse pad can be slightly annoying to deal with. Not does it make the rest of your desk look ugly but it can also mess with your workflow as well. In this article, I will show you how to clean a dirty mouse pad using two simple yet effective methods.



Is it OK to wash a mouse pad?

It is definitely ok to wash a mouse pad, however, you have to be careful. There are different types of mousepads. I do not recommend that you wash the RGB ones as this might destroy the lighting, however, it is completely safe to wash any other type of mousepad. Just don’t do the following:

  • don’t place it in the washer
  • don’t place a mouse pad inside the dryer
  • Do not use any spray-on them
  • Do not use something with a rough material to clean a mouse pad


How to clean a mouse pad (method 1)

Step 1 Place it in a container filled with water

Get a bucket filled with cold water and place the mouse pad in it. Now squeeze a few drops of dish soap into the bucket of water and use your hands to swirl the water around (doing this will make the water sudsier).


Step 2 Gently scrub it with a cleaning brush

It is now time to clean the mouse pad. This step is really simple and easy to follow. All you have to do is get a soft bristle cleaning brush and use it to gently clean the mouse pad. When cleaning the mouse pad be sure to gently scrub it in an up-down motion.


Step 3 Pat it with a dry towel

After cleaning the mouse pad it is now time to dry it using a towel. Make sure to pat the mouse pad until most of the moisture is gone. After doing that you should place the mouse-pad somewhere it can dry easily (not in direct sunlight).



Cleaning a mouse pad (method 2)

This method is somewhat similar to the first one except, this one involves soaking. This method is only for mouse pads that are really dirty. I will now show you the steps.


Step 1 place the mouse pad in water

Fill a bucket with room temperature water and add your favorite liquid laundry detergent to it. Now place the mouse pad inside the water.


Step 2 Let the mouse pad soak

Let the mouse pad soak in the bucket of water for around 15-20 minutes.  Doing this will loosen up the dirt and dust that was on the mouse-pad.


Step 3 Dry the mouse pad

To dry the mouse pad all you have to do is get a clean towel and use it to absorb the moisture from the mousepad. After doing that place the mousepad at a place where it can dry easily.




I hope this article showed you how to clean your mousepad. If you want more tips then feel free to check out some other articles.


Our keyboards get greasy very easily especially when we use them a lot. Typing with a greasy keyboard can be somewhat uncomfortable at times but in today’s article, I will show you how to clean an oily keyboard in less than ten minutes.


Why is my keyboard greasy?

This is something that a lot of people want to know and it could be for certain reasons. One of these reasons could be food-related. When we eat chips, chicken and other greasy foods it makes our fingers really greasy and most times we don’t clean them before using the keyboard. Even if we wash our hands before using the keyboard, it will eventually get greasy because of sweat, etc.

Now what I’m trying to say is that our keyboards will eventually get greasy, however, this doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything about it. The main reason I wrote this article was to show you that cleaning an oily/greasy keyboard isn’t hard.

I will now show you how to clean a greasy keyboard.



Things to do before cleaning a greasy keyboard

Before I can show you how to clean your keyboard there are some things you need to do first so that you don’t damage it or the things around it.


Unplug the keyboard

This is something that everyone should do when cleaning an external keyboard. The reason why you should do this is to prevent any electrical issues within the keyboard.


Clear the desk

The reason why you should clear the desk is that you most likely don’t want to mess up anything while cleaning. This means you should put away any chords, USB sticks, mice, mics, and speakers. Doing this will prevent any liquid spray residue to mess them up.


Turn off laptop

When cleaning a laptop keyboard always make sure to turn off the laptop first, this is because you don’t want any electrical issues to happen within your laptop.




How to clean oily external keyboard

After reading through the precautions it is now time to clean your keyboard, starting with an external one.


Use diluted rubbing alcohol

It is always best to use diluted rubbing alcohol and not a concentrated one, because concentrated isopropyl rubbing alcohol may damage the plastic on the keyboard.

A regular diluted rubbing alcohol is one of the best keyboard cleaners to use because not only is it cheap but its also effective as well. There are two ways to clean an external keyboard with rubbing alcohol. These two ways are by using a magic eraser sponge and a microfiber cloth.


Magic eraser

A magic eraser sponge is great to use when cleaning a keyboard because not only will it clean away the grease but it will also get rid of the dust as well.

To clean your keyboard with a magic eraser sponge all you have to do is spray the rubbing alcohol on to the sponge and use it to clean the keys on the keyboard. After doing this your external keyboard will no longer be greasy/oily.


Microfiber cloth

While a magic eraser is great to use I still think using a microfiber cloth is the best way to go. This is because with a microfiber cloth you can almost clean in between the keys and you wont be leaving behind any dust residue on the keyboard.




Cleaning a laptop keyboard

Cleaning a laptop keyboard is slightly different from cleaning an external keyboard because when cleaning an external keyboard you don’t have to worry about damaging your computer but when cleaning a laptop keyboard you risk damaging its interior and other places such as the ports and screen. However this does not mean you cant clean a laptop keyboard or you shouldn’t clean it, It simply means that when cleaning a laptop keyboard you have to be extra careful.

When cleaning a laptop keyboard its always best to use a q tip and a microfiber cloth. Lets start with the q tip.

You might think this weird but a Q tip is surprisingly useful when cleaning a keyboard on a laptop because you can clean in between the keys very easily. A lot of the times when cleaning a keyboard we only focus on the top of the keys (which isn’t a bad thing because there is a lot of grease on them) but not in between them.  Which is weird because there is a lot of dust in between the keys on a keyboard.

To clean your laptop keyboard with a microfiber cloth and q tip you first need to spray rubbing alcohol on the microfiber cloth and use it to clean the keyboard this will not only get rid of the grease from the keys but also the dust that was all over the keyboard. After doing dip the end of a q tip into rubbing alcohol (not concentrated rubbing alcohol) and use it to clean in between the keys on the keyboard, doing this will get rid of the dust from in between them.




What not to use when cleaning a keyboard

Concentrated isoprpyl alcohol

Its ok to use regular diluted rubbing alcohol but its best not to use the concentrated one. The reason why is because using concentrated isoprpyl rubbing alcohol on a keyboard may damage the material the keyboard is made out of.



Vinegar is great for cleaning a lot of things but keyboards aren’t one of them. First of all vinegar has a really strong smell so it would be unbearable to be constantly smelling vinegar while on your computer, not only that but your fingers would smell like it as well. Another reason you should not use vinegar to clean your keyboard is because it may damage the plastic on it.

Nail polish remover

If you don’t have regular rubbing alcohol but the closest thing you have is nail polish remover. Think twice before using it to clean your keyboard. The reason why is because nail polish remover is very harsh and usinit it on your keyboard may damage the plastic it is made out of.

Liquid sprays

Using liquid sprays to clean your keyboard isnt a bad thing but spraying them directly on to the keyboard will most liley cause some electrical issues, because the liquid will drain down from the keys into the interior of the keyboard and  this may cause it to stop working.

Steel wool

A steel woool would only scrape the keyboard badly and it would make it look old and extremely worn down.


Don’t use any type of soap onto keyboard because doing this will make the keys sticky and it will also leave soap stains/marks all over the keyboard.



How to prevent keyboard from getting greasy

The simplest way to prevent your keyboard from getting greasy is to wash and dry your hands before using it. Even if we didn’t touch anyhting at all before using our keyboards; our fingers would still get greasy because of sweat. So its best to wash your hands before using the keyboard.



I hoped this article showed you how to clean an oily keyboard very quickly.


A lot of people find it hard to clean nowadays, maybe because their homes are very hard to clean or maybe because they don’t really have the motivation to clean. I used to find it very hard to get motivated to clean because of different reasons. This is a bad thing because your entire house will start to look messy after a while. But I then came up with some tips that helped me get motivated to clean and I will now share them with you.



1. Create a schedule

Creating a schedule and a routine is one of the best ways to get cleaning. A lot of people usually have a hard time because they don’t know where to start but with a schedule, you can nowhere to start or you can pick the easiest room in your house to clean first.

You can choose whether to clean multiple rooms a day or just one.

Here is an example of a cleaning schedule you can use:


Cleaning schedule

  • Sunday- clean bathroom and bedroom
  • Monday- clean living room and kitchen
  • Tuesday- clean other bedrooms
  • Wednesday- clean basement
  • Thursday- Clean attic
  • Friday Clean Deck or Patio
  • Saturday- Free day


Now, this is just an example, you can create your own if you feel like it’s going to help more. Also, this cleaning schedule inst meant to be done every day of the week for the whole year, after completing the first 7 days of this cleaning schedule you don’t have to worry about cleaning places such as the attic, basement, deck, and patio for a while. These places are usually cleaned every other month.



2. Listen to music or turn on the TV

When I’m busy doing something that takes a lot of physical work I usually just turn on the TV as background noise or listen to music. Listening to music while working can help you be more productive, especially if it’s calm and relaxing. I personally listen to lofi music, but sometimes I will listen to more energizing songs when I’m cleaning.

Music also takes your mind off of what you are doing.



3. Start off small

You might wonder what do I mean by starting off small. What I mean is that you should only focus on cleaning in small portions. A lot of people think that when they are cleaning they should clean everything at once. While this may work best for some people; other people including myself would get overwhelmed doing this. So when cleaning its best to start off by just cleaning your room or bathroom, then the other day you clean somewhere else. Within a week your whole home will be looking clean again, which is good because you didn’t have to spend too much time and energy cleaning everywhere at once.



4.  You don’t have to deep clean

Most people think that when they are cleaning a specific room in their house they have to deep clean it. I’m just going to let you know right now that you don’t have to deep clean your home for it to look good. You can just focus on cleaning the tables and vacuuming the floor. The main thing that can make any room look messy is the things that are out of place, but once you put back those things where they belong and also get rid of the garbage then you’ll realize that the room wasn’t actually all that dirty.

If you want to deep clean a certain room in your house, you still don’t have to do it all at once. You can simply just start off by getting rid of the clutter and vacuuming, then maybe the next day you dust off the furniture.



5. Always clean up after yourself

Trust me doing this will make cleaning so much easier. When I say you should clean up after your self I mean that if you or anyone makes a mess you/they should immediately clean it up for example if you are finished eating something don’t just place the dish into the sink; you should wash it imediatley. Also if you or someone were in the living room all day and it is now messy. It’s best to clean up the mess when they are gone.



6. Keep away distractions

This is pretty simple; if you are someone who has a hard time keeping focus, then it’s best to put away any distractions if you are trying to clean your home. The biggest distraction you can have is most likely your phone; so you should put it away until you are finished cleaning. This does not mean you can’t listen to music or use the TV as background noise.



7. Setting  a timer will help

A timer will help because it will keep reminding you that you need to clean. It’s also one of the best ways to speed clean your home. I will now show you some timers to set when cleaning different areas in your home.

  • Kitchen- 15-30 minutes
  • Living room-  20 minutes
  • Bedroom- 10-15 minutes
  • Basement- 30 minutes
  • Attic- 30 minutes
  • Bathroom- 15 minutes
  • Deck/patio- 12 minutes



8. Think about having visitor

Thinking about having a possible visitor showing up at any time did help get me motivated to clean because in my mind I was thinking “ what if someone sees my home in this condition?”. So if you are not feeling motivated to clean your home just think about a family or friend just randomly showing up to your home.



9.  Start cleaning more often

You might be asking how is this going to help someone get motivated to clean their homes but if you think about it; the main reason why a lot of people including myself wasn’t motivated to clean is that the house is so messy that we don’t even know where to start. So if you have been cleaning your home frequently then it won’t feel hard to deep clean because the only thing you might have to do is vacuum the floors and declutter.



I hope this article gave you the motivation to clean your home.